aches & pains, aging, cars, children, exercise, expectations, hospitals, Humor, Life, life lessons, memories, mornings, routines, Ruff, work

“Our Bodies, Our Cars”

June, 2014

Back in the 1970’s a textbook was published by members of the feminist movement

our bodies ourselves

In it, the authors sought to explain the female body, psyche and relationships from their collective point of view. In no way am I endorsing or denouncing this particular work. But recently it has given me cause for personal reflection.

I am a member of the boomer generation. Individually and collectively we are now traversing the other side of the Hill, picking up speed as we recklessly hurdle toward decrepitude.

over the hill

This new phase of life can perhaps be best explained through a word picture. So I present to you:

“Our Bodies, Our Cars”

fat man2          aging car

Written by and for Boomers

Perhaps a disclaimer is in order at this point. My wife & I own two cars. They are both Ford Focuses. Focus is an acronym for Fix Old Clunkers Until Scrapped. Our “good” car was purchased new during a year-end close out sale in August of 2007. I bought my work car (2003) used a few years later. So I am somewhat of an expert on driving (& paying for repairs on) aging cars.

The key to a long-lasting car is proper maintenance. Change the oil every 3,000 miles, follow the maintenance schedule in the owner’s manual & you are pretty much guaranteed nothing will go wrong…

maintenance schedule

… until the warranty expires.

expired warranty

The typical warranty for our bodies lasts until about age 30. And let’s be honest here, most of us didn’t take preventative maintenance very seriously until we experienced our first major breakdown
(e.g. muscle strain or back issues).

muscle strain     back pain

Up until that time we saw ourselves as invincible. At least I did. Then suddenly a friendly volleyball game leads to a painful limp for several days. Pushing a child on a swing requires bed rest & muscle relaxers. Playful birthday cards describing being “over the hill”
at age 30 are no longer funny!

And so begins the creeping realization that I am not as young as I used to be:

These days even routine maintenance requires special care, with extra additives for high mileage vehicles.

additives     high mileage oil

Another symptom is that my body, like my car
is much noisier now than when it was new.

        Pop… Creak…  Groan   

creaky joints     noisy car

And as we grow older, my body & my car
are in need of frequent repairs.

surgeon     mechanic

I’ve also noticed that as we age, both my back & my transmission
have a tendency to slip

slipped disc             transmission

I wish my body had a Check Engine light like my car does.

check engine

 Might save me a few trips here:


I have both my mechanic & my doctor on speed dial.

At our age it sometimes becomes necessary to get replacement parts but even so, “as good as new” is often just a slogan.

knee replacement     replacement parts

I don’t know about you but my car & my body
both have a noticeable lack of pep these days.

no pep     tired old man

And especially in the winter, we need to be babied
if we are to be at all productive.

engine block heater  sick man

Sometimes we can’t even get started without a little help!

jump start     slow start

Unfortunately, my body & my car also have
similar ways of showing their age.

age spots     rust spots

And last but not least, both of us have an embarrassing tendency to leak

leaking car

sometimes at the most inopportune moments!

But thanks to the free enterprise system, even the junkiest car
may still have some value.

junk car trade      pushing car

I remember one time, several years ago, almost literally having to push my old clunker into the dealer’s parking lot. Amazingly, I was able to trade it for a cd player on my next car!

Point to Ponder:

Inevitably, there will come a time when it is no longer is possible to fix my old clunker & it has to be shipped off to the scrapyard. What a sad day that will be. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if instead, I could trade it in, not just for a cd player, but for a brand new model?

According to the Bible, one day these old decaying bodies will be exchanged for new ones that will never wear out. What a joyous prospect that is! If you’d like to learn more about this forever warranty, let me know. I’d be glad to explain it to you!



old dog 2
