arguments, dating, Dreams, expectations, family, family humor, holidays, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, memories, romance, Ruff, sports, Valentines Day

“An ‘E’ for Effort?”

  A (Kind of) Love Story

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Meet Stuart Pederson III & his lovely wife, Grace. They met on Thanksgiving Day 2014 & after a whirlwind romance, tied the knot on New Year’s Day, 2015. But by the time February rolled around, the honeymoon was over. Stu (known affectionately to his friends as Stu-Ped) knew he was in trouble, but he had a plan. On Feb. 13 he left a note for Grace asking what she wanted for Valentine’s Day. When he arrived home that evening he found the following list written in lipstick on the bathroom mirror:

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Dress up

Take me out to eat

Do something fun after dinner

Come home, listen to music & see what happens…


Stu, bless his heart, tried. He really did. But apparently something got lost in the translation. The following is what actually happened –


What she asked for:

“A card”


What she expected:

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 Expensive, over-sized Hallmark card
filled with romantic sentiments


What she got :

A remnant from the “picked over” dollar section featuring a fat lady with huge red lips


What she asked for:



What she expected:

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A dozen red roses

What she got:

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A $3 mixed bouquet of dying flowers from Walmart


What she asked for:

“Dress up”


What she expected:

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Dress shirt, dress pants, maybe a sport coat & tie


What she got:


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 His least dirty jeans, sneakers & favorite ratty t shirt

What she asked for:

“Take me out to eat”


What she expected:


Fancy restaurant, linen tablecloths & napkins, candle light, live string quartet


What she got:

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Sports Bar, chicken wings, paper napkins, 27 ball games on television

What she asked for:

“Do something fun after dinner”


What she expected:

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Go see a chick flick, followed by a romantic stroll


What she got:

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Basketball game at Sports Bar, high five when his team won

What she asked for:

“Come home, listen to music & see what happens…”


What she expected:

Slow dancing to smooth jazz

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What she got:

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Country’s Best “Love ‘em & Leave ’em” Songs of All Time DVD


Guess what he got:



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Not even an ‘E’ for effort!



One year later…

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As they prepared to celebrate their second Valentine’s Day together, Stu & Grace looked back on the previous year’s fiasco with humor. How did they survive such a rocky start to their marriage? There is only one possible explanation: Grace!


Point to Ponder:

Love, in its very essence, requires grace. None of us is exempt from hurting the ones we love, intentionally or not. For our most trusted relationships to endure, we must give & receive grace. It is not deserved, nor can it be earned. It is only offered & accepted. How blessed is the relationship restored by grace.

In this month of Love, I challenge you to examine your own life. Who has reshaped your future by extending grace when it was least expected or deserved? Perhaps a parent or a friend. A teacher or co-worker. Certainly your spouse. Maybe even your child. This would be a great time to send a Valentine with a note of appreciation for this miracle of restoration we call grace.

“Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins.” Prov. 10:12 (NKJV)



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