cars, dating, family, holidays, Humor, romance, Ruff, school, vacation, work

Do Over!

June, 2013

When I was a kid we continually played  little fantasy games like war, dare-devil stunts, or “professional” sports. Whenever things didn’t turn out the way we had hoped, we would just smile & say, “Do Over!” As an adult I have often wished life could work that way. Screw up big time? No problem, “Do Over!”  Accidentally hurt yourself? Don’t worry, “Do Over!”

The following accounts are true stories experienced by myself or close family members. To protect the “not so innocent” I will only identify the victim when it is myself.


Assuming the rumble in my stomach was just gas.

stomach pains

Do Over!

In college I was eating at a table of 5 girls & myself. I had two drinks –

a glass of chocolate milk & a glass of pop.

chocolate milk pop

When the pop was gone I picked up the glass & shook it to get a piece of ice into my mouth. Guess which glass I had? Ever have to walk through a crowded college campus with chocolate milk stains down your shirt & the front of your pants?

Do Over!

Asking out each of 3 college roommates in the same semester.


Do Over!

Not realizing my 13-year-old son went inside while I was pumping gas until I asked him a question 5 miles later & got no response.

gas station

Do Over!

Assuming I could mow “just one more strip” along the top of a steep bank

with our brand new riding mower.

mowing bank

 Do Over!

Running out of gas on a very hot summer day while driving barefoot,

because it was “just going to be a quick trip & I won’t have to get out.”

barefoot 2

 Do Over!

Putting on the spare tire but not getting the flat tire fixed immediately because

“surely 2 tires won’t go flat on the same trip.”

flat tire

Do Over!

Trying to hurry up so I could meet the “unreasonable” expectations of my boss

& in my haste accidentally striking a mailbox.


 Do Over!

Asking a lady on my mail route, who got more than a dozen cards in one day,

if it was her birthday & finding out that her husband had just died.

 delivering mail

 Do Over!

Seeing a cop in the median & flashing my lights to warn oncoming cars,

but not seeing another cop who was coming that way.

He turned around & gave me a ticket.

pulled over

 Do Over!

Point to Ponder:

All of us have experienced moments we would love to do over. Without planning to do so we have acted or spoken in such a manner that someone was hurt. When we are the victim, it is natural to condemn the offender. I am reminded of how I chastised the “idiot” in front of me for almost running me off the road when he suddenly changed lanes. A few days later I almost did the same thing to another driver. Contrary to the American way of assessing blame & demanding justice (i.e. suing), when God sees our stupidity, misjudgments, & outright wrongdoings He offers grace, forgiveness & a new beginning. That’s a Do Over I will take any day!



