aches & pains, aging, bosses, difficult people, exercise, expectations, family, family humor, holidays, Humor, job, job security, Life, life lessons, memories, mornings, routines, Ruff, stress, work

“Twas the month before Christmas”

“Twas the month before Christmas”

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 Twas the month before Christmas and all through the Post Office
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We scurried like chickens with our heads chopped off us

The schedule was posted by the time clock with care

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In hopes that by nightfall we all would be there

The day’s service talk turned into a clatter

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As they calmly explained just what was the matter

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“You can’t start till 8, but be back by 6…
Things aren’t going smoothly but we’ll find a fix”

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“Too many scans missing, too much time you took…

meanwhile our phone’s ringing off of the hook”

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  ‘My mail’s still delivered  though I’m on vacation!’

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‘Why can’t you find my parcel’s location?’

“How do I explain above all the screams

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The fault isn’t mine, just blame the machines!”

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By this time my mind had begun to tune out

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                                                “I’ve got my own problems!” I wanted to shout

So much mail to case…      

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and parcels galore
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      My mind hollered,  “Stop I can’t take any more!”

All the long hours  left me feeling my age

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 (about 85… on my really good days)


    While over & over  I heard in my head…

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“Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed.”

I felt a relief when I reached Christmas Eve

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And I went to bed early, enjoying the reprieve

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So frazzled I couldn’t remember my name…

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But a wonderful Christmas it was just the same

Point to Ponder:

Few of us escape the hassles of the holidays. Extra work, extra activities, extra expectations on ourselves & others. Before you enter situations where you know you will be interacting with others, pause to pray. Ask God to help you be his gracious representative in a frazzled world. Then eagerly await opportunities to be a blessing!











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