aches & pains, aging, cars, children, computers, Dreams, empty nest, family humor, finances, grandparenting, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, memories, parenting, Politics, routines, Ruff, toddlers

“You may be a Boomer, if…”

Many folks have created lists of nostalgia, remembering the supposed “Good Old Days.” As I find myself getting older, it seems hardly a week goes by without one or more showing up in my email. So why would I bother to create another one? First of all, I’ve been making my own set of observations about life on the downward side of the Hill for quite some time now. Secondly, it’s not just what I remember, but the way I remember it, which is not always the way it was. And lastly, these recollections also say a lot about who I am today. I hope as you read this issue you will examine your own perceptions as well… and perhaps get a chuckle or two in the process.
Jeff Foxworthy is famous for his lists of observations on what makes a person a redneck. He speaks from his experience of growing up in the South but people from all over resonate with his humor. I’m an aging Boomer and this category of people has its own unique brand as well. We are the generation of Woodstock, free love & free thinking. But as we age, we are also a generation of IRA’s, body part replacements & increasingly conservative views. Are you a Boomer? Take this test to find out!

You may be a Boomer, if…

You can recall exactly where you were when you     ruff 032016 b
heard that JFK was shot

(You got a day off school to watch the funeral on tv
but after 45 minutes you probably got bored
like me & went outside to play)

(For the first time in your life you heard the term historic used to describe an event you were watching live)

(But in our era of live news 24/7, you think that term is a little overused)

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“This is an historic day in the history of our country! Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow indicating… Blah Blah Blah…”

You may be a Boomer, if…

Your teacher prayed in school   ruff 032016 c
(Following her example, you also prayed –
usually, just before taking a test you hadn’t studied for!)

(You remember Madalyn Murray –
Before she was an O’Hair)                 athiest

(Despite this forced indoctrination
you turned out relatively OK



You may be a Boomer, if…

You remember watching the first man land on the moon

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“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”

(Despite the poor video quality & the barely audible audio, you knew
this was the most historic day in the history of history!)
(You celebrated that the U.S. won the race to the moon over the U.S.S.R –
proving that democracy was better than communism!)
(From the historical perspective of today, you realize that your political
conclusion was valid, but it had nothing to do with getting to the moon)

You may be a Boomer, if…

You owned a transistor radio as a teenruff 032016 e
(and you listened to it under your pillow when you thought your parents thought you were sleeping)

(and the next morning the battery was dead because you left it on all night )

(and for some reason your parents wouldn’t buy you
a new battery)


You may be a Boomer, if…

You remember “pleasant” conversation dinner
around the family dinner table
(Kicking your sibling under the table)
(An occasional loud burp)
(Followed by an “excuse me” – from Dad


You may be a Boomer, if…

You ever wrote a school paper using an encyclopediaencyclopedia

(Searching for just the right section to copy –
not knowing or caring that what you were
doing was legally called plagiarism)
(Getting distracted by other nearby topics)report
(And accidentally learning something!)

You may be a Boomer, if…

You once told yourself that ruff 032016 h
you would never need a computer

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You would always
need your land line

You would never spend 30 minutes textingsmart phone
when the same information could be
shared in 3 minutes talking

You may be a Boomer, if…

The criteria for your dream car has changed over the years
Then                                                          Now

(0 –60 in 5 seconds)                     (0—60 in less than a minute)
(burn rubber for 1/4 mile)               (rubber last for 60,000 miles)
(sound system to rattle other cars)     (sound proof from other cars)


You may be a Boomer, if…

You love grandparenting  ruff 032016 j

(Having them visit)

(Sending them home when they get grumpy)

(Listening to their parents complain about the same problems you had with them!)


You may be a Boomer, if…

The only people your age who are in commercials are advertising for

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(Hemorrhoid Relief)



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(Help with incontinence issues)

erectile dys
(Or erectile dysfunction)



You may be a Boomer, if…ruff 032016 p

You receive invitations to free dinners on how to
prepare for retirement:

(Start saving when you are in your 20’s)

(Or inherit $1 million)

(Entrust all your money to the dinner’s presenter)

You may be a Boomer, if…

Some days you feel like you are 87—and those are the good days!

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(Your hair is either colored, gray or gone)


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(When you stand up your body sounds like Rice Krispies –
and you still remember the “Snap” “Crackle” “Pop”
jingle from when you were a kid)


(You & your friends discuss body part replacements

new knee     ruff 032016 s

like you used to discuss rebuilding an engine)

You may be a Boomer, if…

confused couple

You forget what you were saying right in the middle
of a sent… ????

You may be a Boomer, if…

ruff 032016 cc

You can remember when campaign promises could be trusted

(Wait a minute!!!)

(If you remember that—
you aren’t just a Boomer)

(You are probably senile as well – lol!)

Point to Ponder:

We Boomers have seen a lot of change in our lifetimes. Much of it for the good, such as technological & medical advancements. But the peace we hoped to achieve with the freedom we espoused so freely when we were young has turned sour. Freedom without
values can lead to chaos and the tolerance of anything but the moral fabric needed to hold our society together.
How do we get out of this mess? Do we try to recapture the “Good Old Days” when we had prayer in public schools, moms in the kitchen, & an unquestioning allegiance to our country? Do we try to batten down the hatches & keep out anyone who might be a threat? Do we just ignore the problems & let (the sinful) nature take its course?

The solution is not political, but spiritual. By patterning our lives after the Prince of Peace we can make a real difference, one life at a time. He came to serve, to bind up wounds, to bring dignity to the outcasts. To point people to a God who offers true
freedom from bondage. He knew from Old Testament history that good laws don’t make people good. So He offered forgiveness & access to a God who can change us from the inside out. I want our generation to be known for that!

small ruff


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