aging, arguments, children, church, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, grandparenting, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, memories, parenting, report cards, Ruff, school, stress, Sunday, teens, toddlers

The truth

The truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth (as I see it)

Spending a lot of time with my young granddaughters has given me new perspective on the concept of truth. I have seen clearly how it is possible for multiple versions of truth to emerge without any attempt to deceive. It seems inherent in our human nature to have difficulty seeing, let alone understanding, life from the perspective of someone else. Particularly if that person gets in the way of what we want.

Here are some examples I have observed from watching children. In each case the speaker truly believes the words spoken. The names have been changed to protect the identity of the guilty!

“For no reason!”

Clarence takes a toy away from Becky who starts crying.
A few minutes later, Becky hits Clarence for “no reason”.

“Differing perspectives”

Destiny is playing with a baby doll & puts it down when she starts watching tv.
Evelyn takes the baby doll & Destiny screams, “I had that first!”

“Exaggerating to make a point”

Image result for girl crying to parent

16 year old Alice accidentally drove too fast around a curve.
When they get home her sister reports to their parents that,
“Alice was driving 200 miles per hour & almost got us killed.”

“Using always & never”

“He always takes my things!” ” He never shares!”

“Judging a person based on their worst moment”

At the end of a long, hot, frustrating day
little Frannie starts crying & screaming at bedtime.
Her cousin George declares, “She is such a baby!”

“Labeling without understanding the motivation”

Young Izzie takes a piece of gum from her mommy’s purse to share with her friend Jane.  Ken tells on her for stealing.


Linda is brutally teased by an older red headed girl & forevermore hates all red heads.


As adults, we too have our blind spots,
especially in relating to children.
For example:

“Overlooking behavior based on our connection with the offender”

“If Junior punched some little kid in the face I’m sure he deserved it.”

“Basing our judgment on performance, not effort”

Martie has a learning disability but when she brings home her report card she hears,
“All C’s again Martie? If you would just try a little harder
you could make A’s like your brother!”

“Condemning based on a behavior without seeing the whole person”

Little Jeremy grows up in a home where using profanity is common.
But he loves Jesus & goes to church with his neighbors.
When he says a bad word at church,

Olivia’s mom says she can’t play with Jeremy anymore because he is bad.


Point to Ponder:

For children nearly all of life is experienced in the moment. Therefore it is quite possible for them to share what they are experiencing & believe it is the absolute truth. (Not that they are incapable of lying, of course.) As we relate to them we need to understand this, as much as possible, and to measure our responses accordingly.

Two things about children work in their favor. They can adamantly express themselves in the noblest or worst terms & a few minutes later forget all about it. And they also will mature (hopefully) as they experience more of life.

As adults, we often respond to life in the same immature way our kids do. But unlike them, we don’t get over it quickly & our behavior doesn’t mature over time without intentionally choosing to make that happen. Here is some sage advice for all of us, young & old alike:

“Watch your words & hold your tongue; you’ll save yourself a lot of grief.” Prv. 21:23 MSG



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arguments, bosses, children, difficult people, Dreams, expectations, family humor, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, neighbors, ocean, routines, Ruff, stress, vacation, work

Employment Opportunity!

Are you tired of your current job?
Looking for a new challenge during your retirement years?

The Ark Cruise Line is seeking applicants for the position of:

Executive Director

Qualifications: Must find favor in the eyes of the Lord

Job description: The successful applicant will oversee all details of a 50+ year project. Responsibilities include:


Must be able to turn a verbal concept
into a 450 foot Cruise Ship capable of
housing a crew of 8 adults and a
gazillion pairs of animals comfortably
for an entire year



Construction Coordinator
Oversight of :
Ship building,
Design & construction of an
efficient cooking/heating
system inside a wooden boat
without setting the entire
structure on fire

Guest Services Coordinator

  • Report employee concerns about the guest list directly to God – specifically why termites, skunks & mosquitoes were included
  • Double check register  to prevent uninvited stowaways
  • Arrange living quarters so the guests do not eat each other
  • Coordinate social activities which facilitate exercise & mental health without leading to actual mating
  • Provide for guest comfort for an entire year without running water, flush toilets or toilet paper,
  • Rectify accommodation issues such as flying bird poop, boredom & lack of variety in the menu selection

Personnel Director
Assign routine tasks such as cooking, feeding animals, mucking stalls, etc. in a fair manner which utilizes the skills & gifts of all personnel without creating unrest among the employees
Also must be skilled in  mediating the inherent interpersonal conflicts arising from living an entire year in close quarters with your in-laws


You & your extended family will receive an all-expenses-paid cruise on the world’s most complete floating zoo.

Upon successful completion of this project you will be graced with a rainbow as a reminder of God’s promise to never again destroy the world by flood
& the opportunity to replenish the whole Earth with your offspring!

 Please Note: Application deadline is 2500 B.C.

Point to Ponder:

Next time you see a rainbow in the sky remember God’s promises!



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aches & pains, aging, arguments, children, difficult people, Dreams, expectations, family, family humor, finances, grandparenting, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, parenting, Ruff, stress, teens, toddlers

Answering Mom

Answering Mom (& living to tell about it!)

mom & son yelling 2


In honor of Mother’s Day, I’d like us to think about all those questions our moms asked us while we were growing up that demanded an answer. An answer we sometimes didn’t want to give. Or that we knew better than to give! From my perspective on the downside of the Hill, many of those questions and answers are quite humorous, but at the time they were anything but. The list could be endless but here are some of my favorites, in the format of a multiple choice test. How would you answer Mom?

What are you doing in there?

boy in toilet 2
a. Going potty
b. Nothing
c. An experiment

Are you done cleaning your room?

a. Yes
b. Almost
c. It didn’t need cleaned

Why did you lock your door?

a. Don’t bother me, I’m sleeping
b. I’m making you a surprise
c. Do you love me, Mommy?

Close the door, were you born in a barn?

a. I’ll do it in a minute
b. (Totally ignore question – leave door open)
c. If I was born in a barn, that makes you a cow!

Who broke this?

a. He did
b. She did
c. The cat

Do you want a spanking?

a. No
b. No, but I’ll take some candy
c. Yes (every kid in the world has been tempted to say this but no one ever has –
at least no one who lived to tell about it)

Okay, who had it first?

a. I did
b. No, I did
c. Define first

How many times do I have to tell you?

a. I said I’ll do it, quit nagging
b. At least one more, apparently
c. Tell me what?

Are you nuts?

a. No, I just want to have some fun
b. Yes, so can I do it?
c. Probably, Jerry’s mom says the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree

If all your friends jumped off the Empire State Building, would you do it too?

a. My friends wouldn’t do that
b. Which floor?
c. Only if I could take my teddy bear with me


Do you think I’m totally stupid?

a. No
b. Not totally
c. Nobody could be as stupid as you appear to be

And finally, the same question and same response that comes at every age:

Why did you do that?

Image result for angry mom face
a. I don’t know
b. I don’t know
c. I don’t know

Point to Ponder:

God was a perfect parent but his kids still made bad decisions.  When his kids screwed up He responded by asking them questions, even though He knew the answers. And moms have been doing the same ever since. See if you recognize the pattern in your own family.

After Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit they hid from God. He asked, “Where are you?” When he saw them wearing fig leaf garments He asked, “Did you do what I told you not to do?”
The first sibling rivalry ended in murder. God asked Cain, “Where is your brother?”
Loosely translated, Cain shrugged his shoulders & replied, “I don’t know. It wasn’t my turn to watch him.”

Perhaps the most graphic depiction of God’s frustration with his kids comes in the book of Jeremiah. The entire narrative can be summed up in one of my mom’s favorite monologues,
“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times: Stop doing that! But would you listen? No! I might as well have been talking to the wall. But I’ve had enough & now you are going to get it!”

Let’s be honest. If God was merely a just God, we would all be toast! But he is also merciful. So much so that He sent his Son to take the punishment we deserve. The purpose of the Cross was not to simply let God vent his righteous anger, but to offer us the possibility of restoration. He loves us & wants to have a relationship with us.

Most of us, most of the time, experienced that combination of justice & mercy from our own mothers. Though at times we felt her wrath, we knew at the end of the day that she loved us & we loved her. No matter how stupid we acted or how many times we rolled our eyes at how stupid we thought she was, the relationship was intact. If your mom is still living, make sure to thank her for all she went through with you & especially for not killing you in the process!



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cars, children, Emergency Room, family, family humor, finances, hospitals, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, neighbors, parenting, Politics, Ruff, teens, toddlers, work, yard work

“Good Taxes?”

As tax day approaches, especially in an election year, it seems to  almost be  our patriotic duty to decry all the taxes we have to pay. Yet if we examine the original intent of our Founding Fathers, we can see that without the benefits that our taxes bring, the result would be utter chaos. Left to our individual selves, providing for the corporate good would be comical at best & disastrous at worst.

Let me cite just a few examples:

We complain about our  government, but…

ruff 042016 bb
Would you feel safe if
restaurant health
inspections were conducted by
Man Cave” Men?


 Or mothers of toddlers?  

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Without our tax supported road crews…
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Everyone would need a 4 wheel drive pickup
with a plow just to get to work in the winter

ruff 042016 j And what chaos would ensue if we all were responsible to repair
the potholes located  in front of our own property?

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In case you think this might be a reasonable solution—remember your deadbeat neighbor who only mows his grass every 6 weeks? When do you think his potholes will get fixed?



Have you ever voted against a tax levy for your local fire department?

If there is a fire…

You might think twice about not investing your tax
dollars, especially if you were counting on Bubba for help

And without 911, you’re on your own…

While some of us might be willing
to try CPR on our attractive young neighbor
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 Poor Uncle Harley, whose breath smells
like dead fish, is definitely a goner

Maybe we could cut taxes by doing away with Law Enforcement…


Sounds like a good idea if you don’t mind
your  world being ruled by the mean

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               the fearless

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and the totally stupid

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 If you hate the idea of paying taxes to upgrade or build new jails…

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perhaps you would rather house the criminals in your own home…

maybe in the spare room next to your teenage daughter?

  Tired of schools always begging for more MONEY?

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Would you really want to teach your own kids?

With the exception of the home-school ruff 042016 c
community, the average parent has a
difficult time helping with 5th grade math homework, let alone teaching calculus or physics.





And consider the imminent danger if
your teenage boys tried to experiment
ruff 042016 bwith the delicacies of
while you were in the bathroom?

Not to mention  the dramatic rise in the rates ruff 042016 h
of both domestic violence & homicide


So much of what our taxes are used for is unseen, but…

Without the planning & investing of local municipalities in regional sewer systems

Every new allotment

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Would be littered with these



And last but not least– if our taxes were not used to support our elected officials…

  ruff 042016 x

 Who would we have to blame for the sorry mess we are in?

One glaring omission from the list of benefits
derived  from our taxes is the post office.

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That is because even though it is a government agency with all the rights, privileges & insanity thereof, NO TAX DOLLARS are used to support it.

Point to Ponder:

“Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox.”
~ Solomon, 950 B.C.   Proverbs 14:4 (ESV)

“Where there are no taxes, the paycheck is bigger, but you can’t count on Bubba  for putting out fires. “
~ Ruff, 2016 A.D.

The issue is not about clean barns or the necessity of fire departments. It is to simply say that we need each other. And government has been instituted to provide for our corporate needs. We may legitimately debate how big or small an ideal government should be. What services we can provide better for ourselves & what a corporate body needs to oversee. But taxes are necessary for the common good.

We can  complain about paying taxes or we can choose to be grateful for all the many government services we take for granted. Next time you are tempted to grumble, picture fixing your own potholes… or giving Uncle Harley CPR!


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aches & pains, aging, cars, children, computers, Dreams, empty nest, family humor, finances, grandparenting, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, memories, parenting, Politics, routines, Ruff, toddlers

“You may be a Boomer, if…”

Many folks have created lists of nostalgia, remembering the supposed “Good Old Days.” As I find myself getting older, it seems hardly a week goes by without one or more showing up in my email. So why would I bother to create another one? First of all, I’ve been making my own set of observations about life on the downward side of the Hill for quite some time now. Secondly, it’s not just what I remember, but the way I remember it, which is not always the way it was. And lastly, these recollections also say a lot about who I am today. I hope as you read this issue you will examine your own perceptions as well… and perhaps get a chuckle or two in the process.
Jeff Foxworthy is famous for his lists of observations on what makes a person a redneck. He speaks from his experience of growing up in the South but people from all over resonate with his humor. I’m an aging Boomer and this category of people has its own unique brand as well. We are the generation of Woodstock, free love & free thinking. But as we age, we are also a generation of IRA’s, body part replacements & increasingly conservative views. Are you a Boomer? Take this test to find out!

You may be a Boomer, if…

You can recall exactly where you were when you     ruff 032016 b
heard that JFK was shot

(You got a day off school to watch the funeral on tv
but after 45 minutes you probably got bored
like me & went outside to play)

(For the first time in your life you heard the term historic used to describe an event you were watching live)

(But in our era of live news 24/7, you think that term is a little overused)

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“This is an historic day in the history of our country! Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow indicating… Blah Blah Blah…”

You may be a Boomer, if…

Your teacher prayed in school   ruff 032016 c
(Following her example, you also prayed –
usually, just before taking a test you hadn’t studied for!)

(You remember Madalyn Murray –
Before she was an O’Hair)                 athiest

(Despite this forced indoctrination
you turned out relatively OK



You may be a Boomer, if…

You remember watching the first man land on the moon

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“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”

(Despite the poor video quality & the barely audible audio, you knew
this was the most historic day in the history of history!)
(You celebrated that the U.S. won the race to the moon over the U.S.S.R –
proving that democracy was better than communism!)
(From the historical perspective of today, you realize that your political
conclusion was valid, but it had nothing to do with getting to the moon)

You may be a Boomer, if…

You owned a transistor radio as a teenruff 032016 e
(and you listened to it under your pillow when you thought your parents thought you were sleeping)

(and the next morning the battery was dead because you left it on all night )

(and for some reason your parents wouldn’t buy you
a new battery)


You may be a Boomer, if…

You remember “pleasant” conversation dinner
around the family dinner table
(Kicking your sibling under the table)
(An occasional loud burp)
(Followed by an “excuse me” – from Dad


You may be a Boomer, if…

You ever wrote a school paper using an encyclopediaencyclopedia

(Searching for just the right section to copy –
not knowing or caring that what you were
doing was legally called plagiarism)
(Getting distracted by other nearby topics)report
(And accidentally learning something!)

You may be a Boomer, if…

You once told yourself that ruff 032016 h
you would never need a computer

ruff 032016 v

You would always
need your land line

You would never spend 30 minutes textingsmart phone
when the same information could be
shared in 3 minutes talking

You may be a Boomer, if…

The criteria for your dream car has changed over the years
Then                                                          Now

(0 –60 in 5 seconds)                     (0—60 in less than a minute)
(burn rubber for 1/4 mile)               (rubber last for 60,000 miles)
(sound system to rattle other cars)     (sound proof from other cars)


You may be a Boomer, if…

You love grandparenting  ruff 032016 j

(Having them visit)

(Sending them home when they get grumpy)

(Listening to their parents complain about the same problems you had with them!)


You may be a Boomer, if…

The only people your age who are in commercials are advertising for

ruff 032016 m

(Hemorrhoid Relief)



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(Help with incontinence issues)

erectile dys
(Or erectile dysfunction)



You may be a Boomer, if…ruff 032016 p

You receive invitations to free dinners on how to
prepare for retirement:

(Start saving when you are in your 20’s)

(Or inherit $1 million)

(Entrust all your money to the dinner’s presenter)

You may be a Boomer, if…

Some days you feel like you are 87—and those are the good days!

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(Your hair is either colored, gray or gone)


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(When you stand up your body sounds like Rice Krispies –
and you still remember the “Snap” “Crackle” “Pop”
jingle from when you were a kid)


(You & your friends discuss body part replacements

new knee     ruff 032016 s

like you used to discuss rebuilding an engine)

You may be a Boomer, if…

confused couple

You forget what you were saying right in the middle
of a sent… ????

You may be a Boomer, if…

ruff 032016 cc

You can remember when campaign promises could be trusted

(Wait a minute!!!)

(If you remember that—
you aren’t just a Boomer)

(You are probably senile as well – lol!)

Point to Ponder:

We Boomers have seen a lot of change in our lifetimes. Much of it for the good, such as technological & medical advancements. But the peace we hoped to achieve with the freedom we espoused so freely when we were young has turned sour. Freedom without
values can lead to chaos and the tolerance of anything but the moral fabric needed to hold our society together.
How do we get out of this mess? Do we try to recapture the “Good Old Days” when we had prayer in public schools, moms in the kitchen, & an unquestioning allegiance to our country? Do we try to batten down the hatches & keep out anyone who might be a threat? Do we just ignore the problems & let (the sinful) nature take its course?

The solution is not political, but spiritual. By patterning our lives after the Prince of Peace we can make a real difference, one life at a time. He came to serve, to bind up wounds, to bring dignity to the outcasts. To point people to a God who offers true
freedom from bondage. He knew from Old Testament history that good laws don’t make people good. So He offered forgiveness & access to a God who can change us from the inside out. I want our generation to be known for that!

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arguments, dating, Dreams, expectations, family, family humor, holidays, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, memories, romance, Ruff, sports, Valentines Day

“An ‘E’ for Effort?”

  A (Kind of) Love Story

ruff022016 p 

Meet Stuart Pederson III & his lovely wife, Grace. They met on Thanksgiving Day 2014 & after a whirlwind romance, tied the knot on New Year’s Day, 2015. But by the time February rolled around, the honeymoon was over. Stu (known affectionately to his friends as Stu-Ped) knew he was in trouble, but he had a plan. On Feb. 13 he left a note for Grace asking what she wanted for Valentine’s Day. When he arrived home that evening he found the following list written in lipstick on the bathroom mirror:

A card ruff022016 o


Dress up

Take me out to eat

Do something fun after dinner

Come home, listen to music & see what happens…


Stu, bless his heart, tried. He really did. But apparently something got lost in the translation. The following is what actually happened –


What she asked for:

“A card”


What she expected:

ruff022016 a

 Expensive, over-sized Hallmark card
filled with romantic sentiments


What she got :

A remnant from the “picked over” dollar section featuring a fat lady with huge red lips


What she asked for:



What she expected:

ruff022016 d

A dozen red roses

What she got:

ruff022016 e

A $3 mixed bouquet of dying flowers from Walmart


What she asked for:

“Dress up”


What she expected:

ruff022016 f

Dress shirt, dress pants, maybe a sport coat & tie


What she got:


 ruff022016 g

 His least dirty jeans, sneakers & favorite ratty t shirt

What she asked for:

“Take me out to eat”


What she expected:


Fancy restaurant, linen tablecloths & napkins, candle light, live string quartet


What she got:

ruff022016 j

Sports Bar, chicken wings, paper napkins, 27 ball games on television

What she asked for:

“Do something fun after dinner”


What she expected:

ruff022016 k

Go see a chick flick, followed by a romantic stroll


What she got:

ruff022016 l

Basketball game at Sports Bar, high five when his team won

What she asked for:

“Come home, listen to music & see what happens…”


What she expected:

Slow dancing to smooth jazz

ruff022016 m


What she got:

ruff022016 q

Country’s Best “Love ‘em & Leave ’em” Songs of All Time DVD


Guess what he got:



ruff022016 s

Not even an ‘E’ for effort!



One year later…

ruff022016 n

As they prepared to celebrate their second Valentine’s Day together, Stu & Grace looked back on the previous year’s fiasco with humor. How did they survive such a rocky start to their marriage? There is only one possible explanation: Grace!


Point to Ponder:

Love, in its very essence, requires grace. None of us is exempt from hurting the ones we love, intentionally or not. For our most trusted relationships to endure, we must give & receive grace. It is not deserved, nor can it be earned. It is only offered & accepted. How blessed is the relationship restored by grace.

In this month of Love, I challenge you to examine your own life. Who has reshaped your future by extending grace when it was least expected or deserved? Perhaps a parent or a friend. A teacher or co-worker. Certainly your spouse. Maybe even your child. This would be a great time to send a Valentine with a note of appreciation for this miracle of restoration we call grace.

“Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all sins.” Prov. 10:12 (NKJV)



small ruff















arguments, budget work, children, difficult people, exercise, expectations, family, family humor, finances, happy new year, holidays, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, parenting, Politics, romance, routines, Ruff, stress, Sunday, work

“New Year’s Resolutions for Dummies”


In the last number of years a new genre of educational books has been published for people just like me. It’s called the “for Dummies” series. You can learn how to do just about anything & the instructions are so easy, even a dummy can do it!

They cover every activity imaginable, except the one I need the most:brain surgery 3










Have you made your New Year’s Resolution yet? I know, I know – you’ve tried making resolutions a million times already. And before the smell of sauerkraut & pork dissipates from your kitchen you’re back to the same old you. But this year will be different, I promise. I’ve written the latest “for Dummies” book, guaranteed to help you keep your resolutions or I will double your money back!

Presenting a new Ruff original:

ny res 2 

Chapter One

In 2016 I will…

Get in better shape by: 

eating only two times a day –
during meals & between meals

ruff012016 g

exercising more

               developing arm, wrist & jaw muscles
the ladies will swoon over

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Chapter Two

In 2016 I will…

Set aside a portion of time each day to listen to my wife –

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Chapter Three

In 2016 I will…

Stop yelling at my kids,

unless they:

    ruff 012016 j                      
say or do
something stupid,

won’t listen when I
speak softly,

or upset me
in some other way


Chapter Four

In 2016 I will…

 Follow a simple budget plan to track our finances:

ruff 012016 k

How much I made()How much I spent = How much I overspent


Chapter Five

In 2016 I will…

Drive slower –


ruff 012016 l

whenever I see a cop in my mirror


Chapter Six

 In 2016 I will…

Get to work on time every day, unless:

I hit the snooze too many times  & it hits back

              ruff 012016 m


I get caught by a train

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I have to follow a stupidly slow driver
(in a cop car)

cop car 1


Chapter Seven

In 2016 I will…      

Work less & play more

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(especially at work)


Chapter Eight

In 2016 I will…

 Limit my television viewing –

to 144 channels…

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at a time


Chapter Nine


In 2016 I will…

Be less grumpy –

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except when I experience

annoying problems or people

Chapter Ten

In 2016 I will…

 Perform regular Random Acts of Kindness

for myself


pooh mirror 2

Chapter Eleven 

In 2016 I will…

Refuse to talk about politics –

unless I encounter an idiot who disagrees with me

ruff 012016 aa



Chapter Twelve

In 2016 I will:

Think before I speak

never mind, spontaneous stupidity is my strong suit

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Point to Ponder:

It is part of our God-given nature to periodically evaluate ourselves & make adjustments. At this time of year we call them resolutions. But it can happen at any time. We hear that inner voice (often sounding just like a spouse or parent) that says, “Hey, stupid, you better stop doing that!” If we are wise we listen. If not, we may end up in a story written by Ruff.

Proverbs 3:6 says, “Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.” (The Message) Of all the voices in our heads, his is the one we most need to hear. I’m praying that 2016 will find you not only hearing his voice but making the course corrections needed to avoid the pitfalls lurking just around the corner.                                                                                            



ruff 012016 w

aches & pains, aging, bosses, difficult people, exercise, expectations, family, family humor, holidays, Humor, job, job security, Life, life lessons, memories, mornings, routines, Ruff, stress, work

“Twas the month before Christmas”

“Twas the month before Christmas”

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 Twas the month before Christmas and all through the Post Office
                                             ruff 122015 b

We scurried like chickens with our heads chopped off us

The schedule was posted by the time clock with care

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In hopes that by nightfall we all would be there

The day’s service talk turned into a clatter

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As they calmly explained just what was the matter

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“You can’t start till 8, but be back by 6…
Things aren’t going smoothly but we’ll find a fix”

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“Too many scans missing, too much time you took…

meanwhile our phone’s ringing off of the hook”

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  ‘My mail’s still delivered  though I’m on vacation!’

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‘Why can’t you find my parcel’s location?’

“How do I explain above all the screams

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The fault isn’t mine, just blame the machines!”

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By this time my mind had begun to tune out

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                                                “I’ve got my own problems!” I wanted to shout

So much mail to case…      

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and parcels galore
     ruff 122015 w

      My mind hollered,  “Stop I can’t take any more!”

All the long hours  left me feeling my age

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 (about 85… on my really good days)


    While over & over  I heard in my head…

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“Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed.”

I felt a relief when I reached Christmas Eve

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And I went to bed early, enjoying the reprieve

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So frazzled I couldn’t remember my name…

                    ruff 122015 v

But a wonderful Christmas it was just the same

Point to Ponder:

Few of us escape the hassles of the holidays. Extra work, extra activities, extra expectations on ourselves & others. Before you enter situations where you know you will be interacting with others, pause to pray. Ask God to help you be his gracious representative in a frazzled world. Then eagerly await opportunities to be a blessing!










aches & pains, aging, bosses, budget work, cars, children, church, computers, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, finances, grandparenting, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, marriage, memories, parenting, routines, Ruff, stress, Thanksgiving, toddlers, vacation, work

“More Thanksgivings!” (Continued from November, 2014)

God has blessed us in some pretty unusual ways over the past year or so.

As I describe them, see if you can find the theme.

For the third time in 15 years, I was rear-ended while working for the Postal Service. This time my back injury required using a week of sick leave, immediately before a three-week vacation.

A year ago the carriers in my zip code zone merged with several other zones into one, very large, new station as part of the consolidation process at USPS. Working conditions & morale were at all-time lows.

To top off the challenges, there were not enough parking spots for all the employees, so I was forced to either pay $20/month to park next door, or arrive 45 minutes early to secure one of the free spots.

Our credit card bill (which we pay off every month) remained a thorn in our flesh. Three times we asked the Lord to remove it & three times He said, “My grace is sufficient.”

We continued to be in good standing with our dear Uncle Sam, investing heavily in the operation of our government through the convenience of the payroll deduction plan.

Our largesse extended to the health care industry, as well, through hefty premiums & co-pays   

Our 2007 Ford Focus (also known as our “new” car) began to show its age, with different ailments appearing every couple of months, including one on the way home from our vacation.

My body has been in about as good a shape as our car. Most recently, I began experiencing random severe cramping in several muscles of both legs.


Have you discovered the theme yet?

“Judge no problem too quickly-
what appears to be a setback may in the end be a blessing”

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For the third time in 15 years, I was rear ended while working for the Postal Service. This time my back injury required using a week of sick leave, immediately before a three-week vacation.

In January our washer began working sporadically. The day before it finally died, we received an unexpected settlement from the other guy’s insurance agency, allowing us to buy a new washer without borrowing.

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A year ago the carriers in my zip code zone merged with several other zones into one, very large, new station as part of the consolidation process at USPS. Working conditions & morale were at all-time lows.

ruff 112015 dTo help offset the situation at our new station, God has masterminded a ministry of encouragement through me, by telling everyone I see, “Good job today!” In an atmosphere of negativity, this simple exercise shines like a light in the darkness!


To top off the challenges, there were not enough parking spots for all theruff 112015 e employees, so I was forced to either pay $20/month to park next door, or arrive 45 minutes early to secure one of the free spots.
I have been able to use this extra time before work
as quiet time with the Lord, preparing my heart & mind
for whatever may lie before me that day.


Our credit card bill (which we pay off every month) remained a thorn in our flesh. Three times we asked the Lord to remove it & three times He said, “My grace is sufficient.”

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Fortunately, we receive a substantial
rebate for spending with our card,
so we use it to pay for everything
we can. When my work car died
in February, we
had over $2000
in rebates to use towards the
purchase of  another
used vehicle.

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We continued to be in good standing with our dear Uncle Sam, investing heavily in the operation of our government through the convenience of the payroll deduction plan.

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We have a significant amount of extra taxes
taken out so that we get a big refund to use as
a cushion
throughout the year.
This enabled us to pay cash
for a new dryer when ours
died in the spring.

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Our largesse extended to the health care
industry, as well, through hefty premiums & frequent co-pays.

We have a Flexible Spending Account which allows us to reimburse ourselves for out-of-pocket expenses with pre-tax payroll dollars.ruff 112015 k When our aging computer began to freeze up multiple times each day last summer, we were able to use our FSA reimbursement money (for expenses already paid) to buy a new one.

All in all, this year we were able to replace four major items with money the Lord provided through what at first looked like big problems!


ruff 112015 lOur 2007 Ford Focus (also known as our “new” car) began to show its age, with different ailments showing up every couple of months, including one on the way home from our vacation.

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Through these car issues we discovered we have a mechanic in the family.
Our son, Stephen, has saved us hundreds of dollars through his mechanical ministrations!

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My body has been in about as good a shape as our car. Most recently, I began experiencing random severe cramping in several muscles of both legs.

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I have learned to embrace a new grace as I deal with these cramping issues – that of allowing others to pray for me in my weakness. What a blessing it has been to be surrounded by the prayers of my brothers in our men’s group on multiple occasions.

And our granddaughter, Trinity,
has discoveredruff 112015 p
a ministry of intercession for Papa. She has prayed
for me several dozen times when a cramp came
upon me suddenly when she was around
And every time, without exception, God has instantaneously stopped the cramps! It has been worth the pain just to see how God works through her.

And after many months of frustration I finally found significant relief through a new medication prescribed by my neurologist. And for those occasions when the cramps return – there is still  God & Trinity! 

Point to Ponder:

Let’s be diligent in thanking God for our many blessings. A good exercise in thankfulness is to look back at this year & count how many ways He transformed apparent problems into blessings. Take time to share one of those stories with someone who could use a little encouragement.Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-5 NIV)




arguments, bosses, budget work, children, church, dating, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, Humor, job, job security, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, parenting, Politics

“Oops… Did I say that out loud?”

 October, 2015

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In cattle it’s called ‘foot and mouth” disease. For us humans, the more appropriate designation is “foot in mouth” disease. A seemingly innocent statement, overheard by the wrong person at the wrong time, can leave us red-faced, asking ourselves, “Did I really say that out loud?” Perhaps I am the only one who has ever spoken foolishly & found myself in a pickle of my own making. But I doubt it! Here are a few examples of how a loose tongue can get us in trouble:

 “Is she pregnant?”                                                            “No!”

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“My last boss was a real jerk… he said I was immature!”




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“Oops, I thought it would be a silent one”




“The old geezer is finally gone for the day. Now we can party!


         “Meet my new dog, Daddy!”                              “What’s that smell?”

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                    “How can anyone be so stupid?”

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“Burrrrp… Did I say that out loud?”



“Quick hide that magazine, here comes the teacher!”



“You’ll never believe what we did last night!”

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“Did she want her hair to look like that?”

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“See you tonight Susie!”                      “The party was supposed to be a surprise!”

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“Tell me young man, what kind of father would let his daughter…    


leave the house dressed like that?” 


ruff102015t             “That’s MY daughter!”     


“That sermon was soooo boring!”


                                “Oh hi, Pastor!”   ruff102015x


And finally…

“What do you think? Is that her husband or her dad?”


“He’s my husband, stupid! Do I look like a little girl?”


Point to Ponder:

“A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything – or destroy it! It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell.”

James 3: 5-6 (MSG)






