aches & pains, aging, arguments, budget work, cars, children, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, finances, grandparenting, Humor, job, job security, Life, life lessons, marriage, memories, parenting, romance, Ruff, stress, teens, toddlers, vacation, work, yard work

The PEZ Effect

Image result for open Pluto pez dispenserRemember the PEZ dispensers from when we were kids? What a delight! You opened up the head & a candy popped out. Even better, when you removed that treat another one popped up in its place. And as long your mom kept buying refill packs you had an unending supply of candy for life. Our kids & grand kids alike still look forward to opening their Christmas stockings, knowing there will be a new PEZ dispenser inside.

This past summer has been like a trouble PEZ dispenser for us –  as soon as one issue was taken care of, another one popped up! Can any of you relate?

Image result for dead branches on treeWhat began as a need to remove dead branches from a large tree, ended with a fire that that required the replacement of our barn and dealing with –


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Reclamation… Excavation… Contractors … Electricians… Permits…  Inspections… and of course… Payments… Payments… and more Payments!!!


                                    Image result for car in shop                                 Related image                               A cheap oil change  led to replacing…
valve gaskets… an exhaust pipe… shocks… tires… etc. etc. etc.


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Every time I  emptied the trash…

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   before I even got it to the road…
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It started to accumulate again…
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A romantic getaway last fall led to…

a barrage of calls from an ever-cheerful telemarketer to get us back…Related image

I have tried saying: No thank you… I’m not interested… Please stop calling… Take me off your list… and hanging up… But no matter what I say or do… SHE KEEPS ON CALLING!!!


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A visit to the doctor led to…

a visit to a dermatologist and… Image result for squamous cell carcinoma

biopsies of 4 spots on my head & arms…

surgery to remove squamous cell carcinoma…

an unexpected six weeks off work and…

a vacation to Ocean City NJ without getting in the water.                                                                                               Related image

Related imageI waited for an important  check…          Image result for checking mail

I got lots of advertisements…

Invitations for “how to retire rich” dinners…

Offers to sign up for Medicare Part D Coverage…

and  of course Bills…

but no check.


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While I was off work for six weeks I volunteered to do the laundry…

I had forgotten that emptying a dirty clothes hamper…

was like issuing an engraved invitation to add more dirty clothes…

and putting away clean clothes only works if they are put in the closet where no one will find them…                                  Related image

otherwise they will just end up in the dirty clothes hamper again without being worn

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Other examples of the PEZ effect:

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When a child (regardless of age) screams in anger, it is the natural instinct of the parent to intervene

The intervention is usually ignored until the volume of the parent exceeds the volume of the child…

Then the child will blame the parent for  yelling…

Which causes the parent to “calmly” explain that they had to yell to be heard…

Which makes the child start screaming again


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As I get older the urgency to go to the bathroom is more urgent…

I am taking a medication to reduce the urgencies…gotta pee 2

One side effect of the medication is dry mouth…

Which makes me drink more…

Which increases my urge to use the bathroom


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Fixing a dripping faucet is considered a minor repair…

After I finish this minor repair…

The faucet still drips…

Thinking I must not have tightened it enough…

Related image I give it one more hard pull…

Creating a flood and…

The need for a plumber to do a minor repair




Point to Ponder:

Life has a way of piling up on us.  In football,  the result would be a 15 yard penalty for unnecessary roughness. But there are no referees in my world to insure fair play. Like a PEZ dispenser it just keeps on giving out.

So how do we respond when even our fatigue is fatigued? Jesus said, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NIV)  The key is not to escape life’s continual pressures & problems (that is called death), but to find a rhythm which includes rest. Not just the absence of labor but a restoration of body, mind & soul. Our creator designed us to take periodic breaks for renewal.  We ignore this principle at our own peril.



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arguments, bosses, cars, children, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, finances, Humor, job, job security, Life, life lessons, marriage, memories, mornings, parenting, Ruff, stress, toddlers, work

Can things possibly get any worse?

In my 63 years of living I have learned that, no matter how bad things look, don’t ever ask,

“Can things possibly get any worse?”

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Because the answer is yes!


Let me take you through a hypothetical day. Though not all of this has happened in one day, every event has actually happened to me (and probably to you too!) many times.

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It’s late at night. I watch the alarm clock steadily ticking away the minutes, then hours as sleep eludes me. By the time I recognize it as a severe case of insomnia it is too late to take anything because it will make me groggy all day.

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As the clock inches toward my rising time I realize that unless I get to sleep soon I will not be able to function in the morning. Finally, an hour or so before dawn I drift to sleep. Just as my body starts to enjoy its rest,
Image result for jolted awakeI am jolted awake by my wife who says the alarm didn’t go off. I’m exhausted, late & barely functioning.
Can things possibly get any worse?


As I scarf down breakfast I burn my tongue.  Image result for hot breakfast burns man's tongue

Image result for hurt mouth with toothbrush My tooth brush slips and painfully separates
my cheek from my gums.

As I start out the driveway, I realize I forgot my lunch so I back up to get it
nearly running over the dog. Image result for  dog behind car
Now instead of being just late, I am fretfully late.
Can things possibly get any worse?

In my haste to make up time I drive like a maniac.Image result for maniac driver
Fortunately, God is merciful & I don’t cause an accident or get a ticket. Unfortunately, just when I think I might be okay, I get stuck behind a slowpoke with the audacity to drive only 65 in a 60 mph zone.

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Thanks to this nitwit I arrive at work 10 minutes late & the boss is upset at my tardiness.

Can things possibly get any worse?


My typical efficiency in the office is reduced dramatically
Image result for emoji sleeping  because my brain is still lazing away in bed.
But my bladder is wide awake  & makes frequent Image result for emoji got to peedemands for attention.

Eventually I accelerate to a moderate snail’s pace    Image result for snail
but what I gain in speed I lose in accuracy.
Image result for faster i go behinder i get Now I am not only tardy,
I am unable to complete my work in a timely manner. Image result for angry boss clipart

Can things possibly get any worse?

During the day I make multiple mistakes, looking like a rookie despite 31 years on the job.

Image result for emoji frustrated With each one I fall further behind.

My blood pressure rises in proportion to my frustration. Image result for blood pressure clipart

As I try to make up time my concentration & judgment fail me,
leading to total discombobulation.

Image result for emoji frustrated

By the time I leave work I am ready to scream!
Can things possibly get any worse?

On the drive home the road is filled with idiots!

Image result for idiot drivers
After following one such nincompoop for several
miles I finally get my chance to pass. Using all the
acceleration my little 4 cylinder car can muster, I
leave him sitting in the dust, not realizing his
slowness was due to a cop just ahead.

Image result for cop using radar while driving

After a not-so-friendly discussion with the officer,
I am finally back on the road, $80 poorer.
Can things possibly get any worse?

When I arrive home supper is cold,

Image result for angry wife face  my wife is mad
Image result for screaming kids  Image result for young girl tantrum
& the kids are demanding.

                          Image result for headache

I have a pounding headache so I go to bed early.

And I can’t sleep… again.

Can things possibly get any worse?

Point to Ponder:

We all have days that are frustrating, going from bad to worse. It seems that each new incident multiplies the previous one until we are ready to explode. How do we deal with these aggravations without going postal?

Try these techniques:
Relax – take a few deep breaths
Unwind – do something you enjoy later that day
Find the humor – remember, this will make a great story later
Forget – don’t let one day’s trouble spoil the next

Here is a verse I find helpful as I face a new day after being frustrated the day before:

God says, “First pay attention to me & then relax. Now you can take it easy. You’re in good hands.”
Proverbs 1:33 (MSG)



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aches & pains, aging, bosses, difficult people, exercise, expectations, family, family humor, holidays, Humor, job, job security, Life, life lessons, memories, mornings, routines, Ruff, stress, work

“Twas the month before Christmas”

“Twas the month before Christmas”

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 Twas the month before Christmas and all through the Post Office
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We scurried like chickens with our heads chopped off us

The schedule was posted by the time clock with care

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In hopes that by nightfall we all would be there

The day’s service talk turned into a clatter

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As they calmly explained just what was the matter

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“You can’t start till 8, but be back by 6…
Things aren’t going smoothly but we’ll find a fix”

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“Too many scans missing, too much time you took…

meanwhile our phone’s ringing off of the hook”

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  ‘My mail’s still delivered  though I’m on vacation!’

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‘Why can’t you find my parcel’s location?’

“How do I explain above all the screams

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The fault isn’t mine, just blame the machines!”

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By this time my mind had begun to tune out

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                                                “I’ve got my own problems!” I wanted to shout

So much mail to case…      

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and parcels galore
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      My mind hollered,  “Stop I can’t take any more!”

All the long hours  left me feeling my age

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 (about 85… on my really good days)


    While over & over  I heard in my head…

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“Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed.”

I felt a relief when I reached Christmas Eve

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And I went to bed early, enjoying the reprieve

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So frazzled I couldn’t remember my name…

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But a wonderful Christmas it was just the same

Point to Ponder:

Few of us escape the hassles of the holidays. Extra work, extra activities, extra expectations on ourselves & others. Before you enter situations where you know you will be interacting with others, pause to pray. Ask God to help you be his gracious representative in a frazzled world. Then eagerly await opportunities to be a blessing!










arguments, bosses, budget work, children, church, dating, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, Humor, job, job security, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, parenting, Politics

“Oops… Did I say that out loud?”

 October, 2015

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In cattle it’s called ‘foot and mouth” disease. For us humans, the more appropriate designation is “foot in mouth” disease. A seemingly innocent statement, overheard by the wrong person at the wrong time, can leave us red-faced, asking ourselves, “Did I really say that out loud?” Perhaps I am the only one who has ever spoken foolishly & found myself in a pickle of my own making. But I doubt it! Here are a few examples of how a loose tongue can get us in trouble:

 “Is she pregnant?”                                                            “No!”

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“My last boss was a real jerk… he said I was immature!”




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“Oops, I thought it would be a silent one”




“The old geezer is finally gone for the day. Now we can party!


         “Meet my new dog, Daddy!”                              “What’s that smell?”

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                    “How can anyone be so stupid?”

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“Burrrrp… Did I say that out loud?”



“Quick hide that magazine, here comes the teacher!”



“You’ll never believe what we did last night!”

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“Did she want her hair to look like that?”

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“See you tonight Susie!”                      “The party was supposed to be a surprise!”

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“Tell me young man, what kind of father would let his daughter…    


leave the house dressed like that?” 


ruff102015t             “That’s MY daughter!”     


“That sermon was soooo boring!”


                                “Oh hi, Pastor!”   ruff102015x


And finally…

“What do you think? Is that her husband or her dad?”


“He’s my husband, stupid! Do I look like a little girl?”


Point to Ponder:

“A word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything – or destroy it! It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it, smoke right from the pit of hell.”

James 3: 5-6 (MSG)







aches & pains, aging, bosses, difficult people, Dreams, exercise, expectations, family humor, finances, Humor, job, job security, life lessons, love, marriage, Ruff

Do you REALLY want to be Rich & Famous?


 September, 2015

“The grass is always greener if YOU don’t have to mow it!”

Part Three –

Do you REALLY want to be Rich & Famous?

All children dream of being somebody important. A famous football player, an Olympic skater, a movie star,
or (God forbid) President of the United States.

One of my earliest childhood aspirations was to become a cowboy like Roy Rogers. To ride the range, wrestling little “doggies” and keeping the ladies safe from the bad guys who wore black hats.

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But my fondest dream was to be a trash collector. Hey, they got to ride around on a great big truck that made lots of noise, performed magic (making trash disappear), and to my childish eyes it appeared no one ever made them take a bath. Every little boy’s ultimate dream world!

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But dreams that come true aren’t always what they seem:

Do you REALLY want to be Rich & Famous?”

How about this????

Winning the Lottery!

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Many of my friends & co-workers faithfully make weekly investments into their state lotteries in hopes that one day they will hit the big one, be able to quit working & start living a life of ease.

Yet statistically, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning (twice!)

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than of winning the lottery. But should you win, you will suddenly have…

hundreds of new friends (who want a handout) & lots of attention (from the IRS & investment advisors who want a share of your fortune)

And history shows that within a few years you are far more likely to experience bankruptcy, divorce, misery & even suicide, than lasting happiness.

So instead maybe you should try being a…

Star Football Player

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Wouldn’t it be great to makes millions of dollars every year & only work a few months?

To be adored by thousands of fans every week? Maybe not…

Because your rivals not only want to defeat you, they want to maim you…

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You can have your best season ever, but make one miscue in the championship game
& forever be known as the guy who choked under pressure…

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Not to mention having a fan with a beer gut & an IQ of 50 call you a bum…

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Oh yeah, sign me up!!

Don’t give up your dream yet. You could always be a…

 Movie Star

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Here’s a life to be envied! Popularity beyond your wildest dreams!

On the cover of countless magazines! Voted sexiest person of the year!


But also having your “fairy tale-turned nightmare” on display for all the world to see…

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Needing to have a perfect body lest you end up on the cover of another magazine…

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    So many paparazzi around you can’t even pick your nose in private…

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Is this really the road to happiness? 

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There is one option left, if you dare…

President of the United States     

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The most powerful person in the free world…

On the cover of every magazine imaginable

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 Mentioned in the news daily

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                                                                                                                                    Revered by many… hated by multitudes

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Where every nut in the family tree becomes a celebrity

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                                                                       The weight of the world on your shoulders…

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                                                                                                                    While making less than many NFL benchwarmers

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Maybe I’ll just be content with being a regular Joe Schmoe!

Point to Ponder:

Two of the most destructive words in the english language are, “If only.” If only I was richer. If only people respected me. If only I had a better job. If only I wasn’t so fat, skinny, ugly, etc. etc. ad nauseum…

The good news is that we don’t need to be perfect. Look around – do you see anyone else with a perfect life? I hope this series has helped us see that even those who appear to have it all… don’t! We are all fallen, damaged people trying desperately to not let all the other fallen, damaged people see what we are really like.

The cure for our brokenness is not hiding it or longing for something better. It is to accept who we are & to recognize that God loves us anyway. The greatest need we have in this life is to be loved by someone. When that person knows us, warts & all, & still loves us, that is a gift far greater than riches or fame! I pray that you may experience that love & acceptance both in this life & the life to come.


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arguments, bosses, budget work, difficult people, expectations, family, finances, Humor, job security, Ruff, stress, vacation, work

“The Advantages of Self-Employment”

 June, 2015

Part Two of the Series:

“The grass is always greener if YOU don’t have to mow it!”


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Ever get tired of your job? Craved the power to manage your workplace using common sense? Felt fed up with stupid rules made by stupid people? Wished you could just leave it all behind & work for yourself? Continue reading
