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We deliver for you!



I recently celebrated my 33rd anniversary as a letter carrier for the US Postal Service. Since I began my career in 1984, USPS has changed dramatically, transitioning from almost everything being sorted by hand to nearly 90% being processed by machine. Still one thing has not changed over the years. We continue to deliver for you! In the attempt to balance politics, budget concerns and service standards our organization hasn’t always gotten it right. But we are trying.

Most people are familiar with the commercial aspect of our service. Advertisements, bills, and information regularly grace our mailboxes. Though many of us like to complain about

Image result for full mailbox

what we find, millions of Americans look forward to their daily trek to the mailbox & become concerned if it is empty.

And did you know that USPS delivers more than just mail? With the proliferation of the internet in recent years, online shopping has become the latest trend in commerce. If you can imagine it, you can buy it online. And chances are it will be delivered by USPS.

From auto parts…   Related image    to electronics…  Image result for flat screen tv

from furniture…  Image result for furniture in a box  to toilet paper… Related image

from water…  blank case water   to X-rays…  Related image

We deliver for you!

But we deliver more than just things. We deliver connections!

Friendship…      Image result for old woman opening card      Greetings…   Image result for elderly woman opening card

Comfort…  Image result for sympathy cards      Glad tidings of Great joy…  Getting Married Save The Date


Image result for old woman opening card


Image result for letter carrier handing mail     Image result for letter carrier delivering mail to cancer patient

and most importantly…

                                           a human touch                                            Image result for letter carrier handing mail

From lonely senior citizens, to children, to the average customer celebrating a birthdaay, letter carriers provide a dependable, personal connection. Just by observing the kinds of mail we deliver, we get to know  a lot about our customers… births & deaths, celebrations & observances. Who may be grieving, frail, or just lonely.

Image result for letter carrier handing mail         Image result for letter carrier handing mail         Related image

Carriers regularly keep tabs on the elderly through
general observation & the Carrier Alert program
which systematically matches them with
seniors who need special attention. Image result for customer with letter carrier

Every year a multitude of carriers is honored for their heroics in emergency situations. Emergency & police personnel appreciate the extra eyes & hands that
letter carriers provide as they travel on their appointed rounds.

Image result for letter carrier hero
And each May carriers volunteer their time
to collect food from their patrons as part of the
Stamp Out Hunger food drive.  Image result for letter carrier collecting food


Image result for letter carrier delivering mail

We deliver community!
For over 200 years we have kept America connected.

Point to Ponder:

This is the season for celebrating Christmas. May you and your family have a blessed holiday! And be sure to thank your letter carrier who works long hours every day to ensure your packages arrive in time for your celebration.

To everything there is a season. And I must announce that the season for Ruff has passed. I have enjoyed producing Ruff for the past several years. It began as an experiment to see if I could create my own comedy consistently. Perhaps even turn it into a book after retirement. Over the years the idea has morphed into turning Ruff into a live production complete with pictures. That is my intent after retirement but my current season of life involves commitment to family & preparing for retirement by paying off our house early.  I enjoy what I am doing but the lack of free time has  hampered my ability to be creative.  So for now I must say goodbye. Thanks for being part of the Ruff family!



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The PEZ Effect

Image result for open Pluto pez dispenserRemember the PEZ dispensers from when we were kids? What a delight! You opened up the head & a candy popped out. Even better, when you removed that treat another one popped up in its place. And as long your mom kept buying refill packs you had an unending supply of candy for life. Our kids & grand kids alike still look forward to opening their Christmas stockings, knowing there will be a new PEZ dispenser inside.

This past summer has been like a trouble PEZ dispenser for us –  as soon as one issue was taken care of, another one popped up! Can any of you relate?

Image result for dead branches on treeWhat began as a need to remove dead branches from a large tree, ended with a fire that that required the replacement of our barn and dealing with –


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Reclamation… Excavation… Contractors … Electricians… Permits…  Inspections… and of course… Payments… Payments… and more Payments!!!


                                    Image result for car in shop                                 Related image                               A cheap oil change  led to replacing…
valve gaskets… an exhaust pipe… shocks… tires… etc. etc. etc.


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Every time I  emptied the trash…

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   before I even got it to the road…
Image result for man pushing trash can

It started to accumulate again…
Image result for emptying trash

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A romantic getaway last fall led to…

a barrage of calls from an ever-cheerful telemarketer to get us back…Related image

I have tried saying: No thank you… I’m not interested… Please stop calling… Take me off your list… and hanging up… But no matter what I say or do… SHE KEEPS ON CALLING!!!


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A visit to the doctor led to…

a visit to a dermatologist and… Image result for squamous cell carcinoma

biopsies of 4 spots on my head & arms…

surgery to remove squamous cell carcinoma…

an unexpected six weeks off work and…

a vacation to Ocean City NJ without getting in the water.                                                                                               Related image

Related imageI waited for an important  check…          Image result for checking mail

I got lots of advertisements…

Invitations for “how to retire rich” dinners…

Offers to sign up for Medicare Part D Coverage…

and  of course Bills…

but no check.


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Related image


While I was off work for six weeks I volunteered to do the laundry…

I had forgotten that emptying a dirty clothes hamper…

was like issuing an engraved invitation to add more dirty clothes…

and putting away clean clothes only works if they are put in the closet where no one will find them…                                  Related image

otherwise they will just end up in the dirty clothes hamper again without being worn

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Other examples of the PEZ effect:

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When a child (regardless of age) screams in anger, it is the natural instinct of the parent to intervene

The intervention is usually ignored until the volume of the parent exceeds the volume of the child…

Then the child will blame the parent for  yelling…

Which causes the parent to “calmly” explain that they had to yell to be heard…

Which makes the child start screaming again


Related image

As I get older the urgency to go to the bathroom is more urgent…

I am taking a medication to reduce the urgencies…gotta pee 2

One side effect of the medication is dry mouth…

Which makes me drink more…

Which increases my urge to use the bathroom


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Fixing a dripping faucet is considered a minor repair…

After I finish this minor repair…

The faucet still drips…

Thinking I must not have tightened it enough…

Related image I give it one more hard pull…

Creating a flood and…

The need for a plumber to do a minor repair




Point to Ponder:

Life has a way of piling up on us.  In football,  the result would be a 15 yard penalty for unnecessary roughness. But there are no referees in my world to insure fair play. Like a PEZ dispenser it just keeps on giving out.

So how do we respond when even our fatigue is fatigued? Jesus said, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NIV)  The key is not to escape life’s continual pressures & problems (that is called death), but to find a rhythm which includes rest. Not just the absence of labor but a restoration of body, mind & soul. Our creator designed us to take periodic breaks for renewal.  We ignore this principle at our own peril.



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Caption Contest

This month we will embark on a lighthearted adventure to see how well developed your funny bones are. Below you will find about a dozen pictures. Your job is to identify which caption best fits each picture. READY, SET, GO!

ruff 0917b

“No, I believe the right foot goes in, and then the right foot goes out before you can do the Hokey-Pokey.”
“The fish the President caught was at least this big… around.”
“The President may have the whole world in his hands
but he will always put America first.”


ruff 0917a

“How long do I have to hold this imaginary ball?”
“Honey, does this shirt make me look fat?”
“What’s taking you so long? I have to pee!”
ruff 0917c “I’m pregnant?”
“What do you mean,
I have a staring problem?”
“Swallow what pill?
There’s nothing under my tongue.”

ruff 0917e

“This is what a chicken hawk looks like!”
“No it isn’t!”
“When I said, ‘For better or worse’ I didn’t
know I was marrying a dragon!”
“As that famous philosopher, Rodney King, once said,
‘Can’t we all just get along?'”


ruff 0917d

“How am I supposed to do research at the library
without my i-pad?”
“I need my music playing to help me concentrate!”
Are you saying this term paper is more important
than the dance tomorrow night?

ruff 0917g

“Piglet, did you hide my Preparation H again?”
“Where is Christopher Robin when you need him?”
“You know it’s going to be a bad day
when you wake up to NO HONEY!”

ruff 0917 i

“In the privacy of her bedroom, Jen declares her undying love…
for this week’s boyfriend.”
“The difference between a passionate love song
and mortifying embarrassment
is a simple knock on the door.”
“Jennifer, the amazing hairbrush swallow-er
practicing at home.”

ruff 0917h

“We three kings of orient groan,
we have to share one microphone.”
“…and the home of the brave!”
“Dentist John finds a fake mic invaluable during annual checkups!”

ruff 0917 j

“You ain’t nothing but a hound dog.”
“Flying Ace, downed behind enemy lines, serenades for his supper.”
“Pick any tree you want. Pretend it’s a fire hydrant.”

ruff 0917 k

“My last boss was such an idiot. I’m glad he fired me.”
“I can’t wait to be in your physiology class.
I’ve always wondered why people are so weird.”
“And that’s how you play footsie. Want to try again?”


ruff 0917m
“And then I blew chocolate milk out my nose!”
“Just as we started our first kiss, the fire siren went off.
I nearly wet my pants!”
“Mom, I think I’ve met Mr. Right!”

ruff 0917f

“I’m Mr. Right!”
“What’s that smell?”
“Oops, I think that was me!”

Point to Ponder:

Is there a lesson to be learned from this funny little exercise? Yes! We often interpret what we see & hear based on our own observations & experiences. Yet it is quite possible that our interpretation is not the one intended by those involved. Many disagreements & misunderstandings could be easily resolved if we would follow this simple advice:
“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak & slow to become angry.”
(James 1:19 NIV)


cars, Dreams, expectations, finances, Humor, Life, life lessons, Ruff, stress, yard work

Good News/Bad news

Good News
We have a property with lots of old, tall trees

Bad News
One of our trees was mostly dead

Good News
Our son Stephen saved us hundreds of dollars by risking life & limb (no pun intended) to cut out the dead wood

Bad News
We had no use for all the dead wood

Good News
Our neighbor took all the big logs/branches for us

Bad News
There were still piles of smaller branches around the yard

Good News
Bob spent his day off cleaning up the branches & burning them

Bad News
The wind shifted & the flames/embers caught our barn on fire

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Good News
Bob & Katrina were able to get the cars & a riding mower out of the barn before the flames burned through the beam holding our garage door opener & the door shut on its own

Bad News
There was another mower & lots of valuable contents still in the barn

Good News
The fire department is less than 1/2 mile away & they responded quickly, saving most of the contents of the barn

Bad News
The barn needs replaced

Good News
Our insurance company will pay for a new building

Bad News
We have to remove the rest of the barn that didn’t burn

Good News
There are companies who specialize in what needs to be done

Bad News
Bob has no experience in coordinating such a project

Good News
After dozens of hours of research & exploring, a plan is coming together

Bad News
Due to all the extra hours spent on this project, there was no time to produce “Ruff” in June

Good News
Telling why I didn’t have time to produce “Ruff” took up enough space to be a “RUFF”

Point to Ponder:

Never judge a tragedy too soon. God has a way of restoring what was lost & making it even better. Even if we bring the tragedy on ourselves – like burning brush too close to our barn. My intention that day was too clean up our yard, not start a barn fire. But God in his graciousness, is taking my mistake & giving us a new & improved outbuilding.

Are there tragedies you are facing? Loss of material things, physical abilities, a job, dreams, hope? God is in the restoration business! The process may not be enjoyable. We may have preferred a much different path. We may never understand why. But far more important than an answer, is the comfort of his presence. Knowing that He is good & that He is with us at all times, is better than understanding the whys of life in this fallen world.



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aches & pains, aging, arguments, bosses, cars, children, church, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, finances, grandparenting, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, mornings, parenting, routines, Ruff, sports, stress, Sunday, teens, toddlers, work, yard work

Theoretically… again

one issue about Theoretically… every three years is not too often.

diploma  getting a college degree

will enable me to pay off my college loans before I retire



the Browns will win a Super Bowl before I die

ruff 052017 p

it is impossible to experience ruff 052017 b 3 different seasons in one day –  even in Ohio

the people who complain about winter’s cold will enjoy summer’s heat

shivering                  ruff 052017 c2

a child too full to finish her dinner will not be interested in dessert

ruff 052017 d          ruff 052017 d2

a child who cleans up at her grandparents’ house will keep her room neat at home

ruff 052017e2                             ruff 052017 e

ruff 052017 f  the energy & euphoria of having a baby
will not be negated by 3 months without sleep ruff 052017 f2


ruff 052017 g

when my wife says she will be ready in 5 minutes,
she will


ruff 052017 h                                       ruff 052017 q
if I tell people at church that I am fine – I really am


ruff 052017 i  Christians who are touched by God
will be good tippers when they eat out after the service

ruff 052017 i2


ruff 052017 j     when a store sends a coupon for 40% off everything except sale items,

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at least some items will not be on sale

ruff 052017 k
the road will not be filled with idiots
every time I am running late for work

the cop that pulled me over

ruff 052017 k2            just wants to discuss the weather


ruff 052017 l
my 30 minute lunch break is not over in 15 minutes, despite how it feels

I love my job so much I will never want to retire

ruff 052017 m

and finally –


ruff 052017 n
  after a stressful week at work

I can relax all weekendruff 052017 r







Point to Ponder:

Theoretically, life should be easier than it is. Our work should be joyous & meaningful. Our relationships comforting & uplifting. Our bank accounts abundant. Our setbacks just a momentary challenge. But life has a way of getting in the way of our expectations. So what do we do when reality turns the ideal into an ordeal? (Thanks Pastor Shane for that quote!)

Theoretically, we know that God is always good. That He always has our backs. That He is always with us, no matter how gloomy our circumstances may appear. Most of us have followed him long enough to have a rich history with him. We have experienced many times when He has turned a seeming tragedy into a victory we could never have imagined.

Theoretically, with the Bible & our own experiences, there is no reason to doubt. But we all do on occasion. God knew that would happen so He created the Church to further reinforce what we know to be true, but have a problem understanding. We need to share our stories with one another. Not just the miraculous & victorious, but our doubts & questions as well. All of these are common to our plight here on earth. As we share our lives, we begin to see that we are not alone in our struggles. And that God IS with us even when we aren’t aware of him.

Who do you know whose Theoretically doesn’t line up with their reality at the moment. Look for opportunities to be an encourager, a listener, or just a friend who shares a story of God’s intervention on your behalf. Theoretically, you will be the encourager, but come tomorrow, you may be the receiver. That’s the way God intends it.



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arguments, dating, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, finances, holidays, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, memories, romance, Ruff, sports, stress, toddlers, Valentines Day

The love languages of Mars & Venus

Note from Ruff: This is an updated/expanded version of Ruff from February, 2014. Hope you  enjoy!


“The love languages of Mars & Venus”

 In recent decades a number of books have been written on communication between the genders. Two of the most popular authors have been Gary Chapman (The Five Love Languages) & John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus).

 This month I shall attempt to merge their wisdom in a fashion easily understood even by us common dingleberries (from the Latin “ding” meaning smash & “leberries” meaning your brains). The basic idea is that men & women are different. That may come as a shock to many of you, but I speak from the experience of an intense 42 year study of the subject, often referred to as marriage.Related image So let’s begin our exploration of the love languages as seen from the perspective of Mars & Venus:

 Words of affirmation

From toddler-hood the genders each have their own interpretation of what this means.  Image result for silky hair little girl

      Mention a girl’s silky hair & you’ll
have a friend for life.

Image result for dog high five
Tell a boy he smells like a dog
& he’ll give you a high five.

Image result for young love

Then, when the boy finally notices the girl, he becomes smitten & gushes,
“I love being around you…
you look just like my dog!”


Her romance meter rockets
to fever pitch

                                                                               Related image


…just before she bites him.

Image result for dog biting little boy


Quality time

Again notice the difference! My wife, Janice, regularly hasDorothy Days”, time spent with her best friend. Depending on how many times they get lost, they typically they spend 45 minutes or longer driving to their destination.


After shopping for hours, they arrive home exhausted, concluding it was a perfect day because they filled up every cubic inch of time with conversation about their lives, their families & their feelings.



Contrast that with my  hunter friends. Related imageRising before dawn,they drive 45 minutes or longer (depending on how many times they get lost) in a rickety old pickup, bouncing around & sloshing coffee on each other. For entertainment they swap lies about the one that got away & demonstrate the fine art of burping & passing gas.

Image result for hunting blindWhen they reach their site they split up & spend the entire day a half mile or so from their nearest companion. Image result for gutting a deer
In the unlikely event that an animal wanders into their line of fire, the height of male bonding would involve an hour skinning & gutting their trophy.

They speak less than a dozen “intelligible” words among themselves all day.Image result for poop on hunting boots
Yet even if the only thing they bring home is the stench on their shoes, they can call it a perfect day, because they have an excuse to go out again tomorrow.


It doesn’t matter if a couple has been together for 6 weeks or 6 decades
the secret to lasting love is finding things they enjoy doing together. I recall a special evening years ago. Image result for candle light dinnerSoft music played in the background during dinner. Candlelight created a special ambience. It was a time we had anticipated all week.  It would have been a perfect evening had she just remembered:

Image result for couple watching football
Talking is only permitted during commercials.

Giving & receiving gifts

It seems most ladies tend to think the smaller the gift the better the gift


Image result for woman with large stuffedd animal

“Yeah, that’s just what I wanted, a giant stuffed fox- NOT!



Related image

“You’re getting warmer”


Image result for woman wearing diamond ring



While guys are just the opposite


Image result for drone
Image result for pool table
“Way cool!”


Image result for harley davidson
“Now we’re talkin’!”







Ladies, if you can’t afford anything else, here is one gift guaranteed to please. It combines his two of his top three favorite activities:

Image result for wrapping putter present

Acts of service

Here’s a special tip for the love-challenged guy no matter what your language is: Do something that will ease her workload.  She’ll appreciate it & if you’re married it may even lead to something more…

Image result for hearts

such as a “Honey Do” list.

Image result for honey do list
Several years ago I discovered (by accident) how powerful this can be. It was Christmas Eve & I hadn’t yet shopped for Janice. To avoid the crowds (& salvage our relationship) I decided to give her a gift that required no upfront money & little wrapping. I made her a certificate saying I would take her out to eat once a month (something I was already doing). The only glitch was that she thought I meant one extra time/month.  But she loved it so much that I soon adapted it to gifts of service as well.
My secret formula (don’t tell Janice!) is to ask myself what she has nagged me about most during the past year, and then give her that as a gift for Christmas. Eventually I would have to sweep the floors anyway. But now I get extra credit for being thoughtful!

Special note: I’m not sure this will work for the ladies, because we men tend to expect all acts of service to be done for us automatically, just because we are men.


Physical touch

Of all the love languages this one is perhaps most misunderstood.Image result for dating romance
For the ladies this means more than bedside manners (or lack thereof!) It includes little niceties like holding hands, gentle caresses & kisses without expecting more.

Yes guys, I’m serious!

For men, physical touch begins with the eyes & the thoughts & by the time actual contact is made he is already half- crazy (or more!). And it’s usually not wise to warm up using conventional male techniques.

Image result for head butting football  Image result for pat on the bum



Head butting your wife or patting your date on the butt is more likely to produce a black eye than romance.

The only solution to this dilemma is for guys to use the WBF method. The basic premise is that loving begins Way Before Play.

This technique works every time,

EXCEPT for: Image result for woman with headache

stress &
certain days of the month



Point to Ponder:  


Which language speaks most deeply to your heart? Valentine’s Day gives you a perfect opportunity to express love in your own, unique style. Just do it!

And don’t forget that God wants to hear, “I love you!” also.

How can you say it to Him? Here are some ideas to ponder:

* You might write a letter telling Him how special He is to you, or even brag about His goodness to someone else.

* Perhaps you could spend more quality time with Him by reading his Word, involving yourself in a small group, or attending church more regularly.

* Is there a special need in someone’s life you could meet by giving an anonymous gift?

* What act of service could you perform in the name of Jesus?

* Are you willing to be the arms of Christ in reaching out to hug a hurting soul? God created physical touch to renew life as well as create it.

I’m praying that this month you will find an opportunity to be God’s agent in speaking love to the people in your corner of the world. Be creative! Have fun! I’d love to hear your experiences.



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2016 in Review: “Did you learn anything from that?”

When our son was growing up he delighted in living life on the edge. ruff-117a Walking close enough to the cliff to see down to the bottom, yet only occasionally taking the plunge. For us, as parents, living on the edge meant tottering dangerously close to insanity and crossing the line far more frequently than we would ever admit publicly.

After each misadventure I would ask a simple question, “DID YOU LEARN ANYTHING FROM THAT?”  His inevitable reply took one of two forms. Either an emphatic, “NO!” or “Only stupid people get hurt doing that!” Maybe he didn’t learn anything from his experiences, but WE did!

And today, as I look back on 2016, I’d like to share some of the things I’ve learned (or re-learned) this past year – sometimes the hard way, sometimes by grace.


Leaving late for work
can turn a
leisurely commute
into a
stressful rat race.


Not everyone appreciates you calling them an idiot



for driving just like you!


If I go to work thinking I’ll have a “RUFF” day...


I probably will.


When I’m having a RUFF day…                                                                           


“…and then I got called into the office.”

A sympathetic listener is like a good therapist.


I talk out loud to myself through each step of my day…
“I have to hurry or I’ll be late!”



“Take baby steps on ice!”






My co-workers understand…

but sometimes the public doesn’t.



“One more bite & then I gotta go PEE!






People appreciate hearing someone tell them… 

Image result for emoji good job

“Good job!”




Their gratitude grows even stronger when
they are called by name…


Image result for emoji good job


“Good job, Frank!




Unless, of course, it isn’t their name!

Image result for confused emoji png


“Thanks for the affirmation pal, but my name is Jerry!


And as I get older, I’ve discovered that for each new name I learn…    


I FORGET 5 other names!

Image result for confused emoji png

Good job… Fred? Joe? Billy? Dave? Ed?



Watching sports can be entertaining or even thrilling at times.
But whether my team wins it all
Image result for cavaliers championship ring

almost wins it all

Image result for cleveland indians            Image result for ohio state football

or almost loses them all

Image result for cleveland browns

The sun will still come up tomorrow!Image result for sunrise

If I find my identity in a sports team, I will nearly always be disappointed in the end. But if I find my identity in Christ, I know I will be victorious in an end that is really only the beginning of a glorious future that will last forever!

Point to Ponder:

When anxiety creeps up from the stresses of life, I find it helpful to rehearse all that God has done for me. From the blessing of being employed, to family & friends that love me, to the ability to be content even when my circumstances are less than desirable. Not to mention all the situations in the past where He has brought me through troubling times. If he did it before He can do it again! Did I learn anything from that? You bet!

“When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought me joy. “ Psalm 94:19 NIV



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arguments, bosses, cars, church, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, finances, holidays, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, memories, neighbors, parenting, Politics, Ruff, stress, Sunday, Thanksgiving, toddlers, work

Curing the Grumblies


Image result for old dog with glasses

Sometimes in our lives we all get the grumblies. You know what I’m talking about – getting so caught up in the day-to-day grind of responsibilities & the minor/major irritations common to all of us, that we lose sight of our blessings. As Thanksgiving approaches, it is especially important to gain a perspective of how good we all really have it. That is the cure for the grumblies!

Whether we see our cup as half full or half empty, we can at least be grateful that
we have  a   cup  Image result for cup half full

& that it is not used for begging   Image result for beggar's cup

Many of us drive cars that are less than reliable Image result for overheated car

& repairs can cost more than the car’s value

Yet we would never even consider the alternativesImage result for crowded public transportImage result for walking to work  Image result for walking to work


Our healthcare system is imperfect at best & often outrageous, but…
Image result for healthcare

consider how blessed we are to live in North America

Image result for third world healthcare in villages

We complain that owning a house is sucking us dryIllustration of house, homeowner and his money being sucked into a monsterous hole, a money pit

but would we really want to trade places with

Image result for homeless sleeping under bridge

the homeless?




It is easy  to grouse when the weather foils our weekend plans, without a thought for the struggling farmer whose entire livelihood could depend on a good soaking.

Image result for rainy day picnic    


When children are involved,
it can sometimesImage result for kids in grocery store be a challenge
just to get food to put on the table.




Yet for some the challenge is greater than for others.Image result for subsistence farming in africa


The next time we are tempted to gripe about our jobs, let’s take into account
how many  would love the chance to work for any employer – even ours!

Image result for unemployment line


We lament the rising cost of eating out

Image result for food buffet dinners

while others around the world struggle to just to eat.

Image result for refugee food


We bemoan how awful we feel during the occasional illnessImage result for home sick from work

while taking the other 97%
of the time for granted .     Image result for feeling good



Our well water may be saturated with unwanted mineralsImage result for water softener

but we have no real concept about hard water.

Image result for pulling water from well


In the summer we complain about the heat Image result for summer heat

Image result for winter cold emoji and in the winter the cold

while we spend most of our time in climate controlled placesImage result for heat pump

Have we considered that despite the imperfections of our churches Image result for imperfect church  more often than not God chooses to useImage result for small group bible study

those same imperfect people to support us in time of crisis?

As election day approaches and many of us choose to hold our nose Image result for political debates

& vote for what we perceive to be the lesser of two evils

let us rejoice that in this country Image result for military coup

power can change hands without the loser having to die

And finally, at one time or another we’ve all been the victim of a bird
finishing its digestive process as it flew overheadImage result for bird poop
How can we be grateful at a time like that?

In the words of that deep philosophical grade school rhyme

Image result for glad cows can't fly

just be glad that cows can’t fly!

Point to Ponder:

We have a sign hanging in our bathroom at home that states,

“Contentment is not
the fulfillment of what you want,
but the realization of
what you already have.”

As we approach this thanksgiving season, let’s all commit to counting our blessings rather than rehearsing our grievances.




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arguments, bosses, cars, children, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, finances, Humor, job, job security, Life, life lessons, marriage, memories, mornings, parenting, Ruff, stress, toddlers, work

Can things possibly get any worse?

In my 63 years of living I have learned that, no matter how bad things look, don’t ever ask,

“Can things possibly get any worse?”

Image result for emoji faces

Because the answer is yes!


Let me take you through a hypothetical day. Though not all of this has happened in one day, every event has actually happened to me (and probably to you too!) many times.

Image result for digital clock

It’s late at night. I watch the alarm clock steadily ticking away the minutes, then hours as sleep eludes me. By the time I recognize it as a severe case of insomnia it is too late to take anything because it will make me groggy all day.

Image result for oversleeping

As the clock inches toward my rising time I realize that unless I get to sleep soon I will not be able to function in the morning. Finally, an hour or so before dawn I drift to sleep. Just as my body starts to enjoy its rest,
Image result for jolted awakeI am jolted awake by my wife who says the alarm didn’t go off. I’m exhausted, late & barely functioning.
Can things possibly get any worse?


As I scarf down breakfast I burn my tongue.  Image result for hot breakfast burns man's tongue

Image result for hurt mouth with toothbrush My tooth brush slips and painfully separates
my cheek from my gums.

As I start out the driveway, I realize I forgot my lunch so I back up to get it
nearly running over the dog. Image result for  dog behind car
Now instead of being just late, I am fretfully late.
Can things possibly get any worse?

In my haste to make up time I drive like a maniac.Image result for maniac driver
Fortunately, God is merciful & I don’t cause an accident or get a ticket. Unfortunately, just when I think I might be okay, I get stuck behind a slowpoke with the audacity to drive only 65 in a 60 mph zone.

Image result for tailgating on highway

Thanks to this nitwit I arrive at work 10 minutes late & the boss is upset at my tardiness.

Can things possibly get any worse?


My typical efficiency in the office is reduced dramatically
Image result for emoji sleeping  because my brain is still lazing away in bed.
But my bladder is wide awake  & makes frequent Image result for emoji got to peedemands for attention.

Eventually I accelerate to a moderate snail’s pace    Image result for snail
but what I gain in speed I lose in accuracy.
Image result for faster i go behinder i get Now I am not only tardy,
I am unable to complete my work in a timely manner. Image result for angry boss clipart

Can things possibly get any worse?

During the day I make multiple mistakes, looking like a rookie despite 31 years on the job.

Image result for emoji frustrated With each one I fall further behind.

My blood pressure rises in proportion to my frustration. Image result for blood pressure clipart

As I try to make up time my concentration & judgment fail me,
leading to total discombobulation.

Image result for emoji frustrated

By the time I leave work I am ready to scream!
Can things possibly get any worse?

On the drive home the road is filled with idiots!

Image result for idiot drivers
After following one such nincompoop for several
miles I finally get my chance to pass. Using all the
acceleration my little 4 cylinder car can muster, I
leave him sitting in the dust, not realizing his
slowness was due to a cop just ahead.

Image result for cop using radar while driving

After a not-so-friendly discussion with the officer,
I am finally back on the road, $80 poorer.
Can things possibly get any worse?

When I arrive home supper is cold,

Image result for angry wife face  my wife is mad
Image result for screaming kids  Image result for young girl tantrum
& the kids are demanding.

                          Image result for headache

I have a pounding headache so I go to bed early.

And I can’t sleep… again.

Can things possibly get any worse?

Point to Ponder:

We all have days that are frustrating, going from bad to worse. It seems that each new incident multiplies the previous one until we are ready to explode. How do we deal with these aggravations without going postal?

Try these techniques:
Relax – take a few deep breaths
Unwind – do something you enjoy later that day
Find the humor – remember, this will make a great story later
Forget – don’t let one day’s trouble spoil the next

Here is a verse I find helpful as I face a new day after being frustrated the day before:

God says, “First pay attention to me & then relax. Now you can take it easy. You’re in good hands.”
Proverbs 1:33 (MSG)



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children, difficult people, Dreams, expectations, family, family humor, holidays, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, love, memories, ocean, parenting, routines, Ruff, stress, vacation, work

Ocean-going Vessels

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“Ocean-going Vessels”

By the time you read this Janice & I will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of our  first  family vacation in Ocean City, NJ.  Since 1991 we have made an annual trek to the ocean for rest, relaxation & (hopefully) restoration of our sanity.

What makes the ocean so special? Take a look at the illustrations below:

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This is your brain before going to the ocean. Note the angry energy being pumped in by your blood vessels.



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This is the same brain after a few days on the beach.
Even your vessels appreciate such a vacation.



Not only is the ocean good for your circulatory system,
it is also quite beneficial for mind & emotions.

Here are a few observations about life that I have learned from my time by the sea:

Life has a rhythm :

The ebb & flow of the  waves on the shoreline is a picture of real life.

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The perfect wave for riding in to the beach would not exist if previous waves had not returned to the sea, with their resulting  undertow.  Our personal experiences of joy & struggles are part of the same natural rhythm.

Like the changing tides, life has different seasons:

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Just when we think we’ve found the perfect spot, along comes another wave to remind us we have to modify our position (again).

The ocean’s  beauty is to be treasured…

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but its power must be respected

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Even an angry ocean has boundaries

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At times our lives may seem overwhelming & out of control but never forget that every difficult challenge has an end.



When life is disappointing

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we can choose to adjust or complain:

Finding alternatives when conditions are not favorable is wise, whether you are at the beach or on the job. Complaining does not change our circumstances but choosing to adjust can certainly improve our outlook! Many a special day has begun with the realization that our plans needed to change. We can treat these changes as setbacks or the beginning of new adventures!

We get to choose what we remember:


A family vacation generally includes a mixture of pleasant times & conflict. Blessed is the person with selective memory!

It’s nice to get away

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but it also nice to come backruff 092016 m

Point to Ponder:

My “vessels” appreciate going to the ocean. It gives them a chance to reflect & be renewed. Whether you find solace  at the beach, in a cave, or exploring a large city, getting away is important. We often find renewal in a change of pace.

When I find myself struggling against the raging waves in my life, here’s advice I take to heart:

“I’m asking God for only one thing: to live with him my whole life long & contemplate his beauty. That is the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world, the perfect getaway, far from the buzz of traffic.”
Psalm 27:4-5 (MSG)

We can have this kind of get away any day we choose!


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