aging, arguments, children, church, difficult people, expectations, family, family humor, grandparenting, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, memories, parenting, report cards, Ruff, school, stress, Sunday, teens, toddlers

The truth

The truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth (as I see it)

Spending a lot of time with my young granddaughters has given me new perspective on the concept of truth. I have seen clearly how it is possible for multiple versions of truth to emerge without any attempt to deceive. It seems inherent in our human nature to have difficulty seeing, let alone understanding, life from the perspective of someone else. Particularly if that person gets in the way of what we want.

Here are some examples I have observed from watching children. In each case the speaker truly believes the words spoken. The names have been changed to protect the identity of the guilty!

“For no reason!”

Clarence takes a toy away from Becky who starts crying.
A few minutes later, Becky hits Clarence for “no reason”.

“Differing perspectives”

Destiny is playing with a baby doll & puts it down when she starts watching tv.
Evelyn takes the baby doll & Destiny screams, “I had that first!”

“Exaggerating to make a point”

Image result for girl crying to parent

16 year old Alice accidentally drove too fast around a curve.
When they get home her sister reports to their parents that,
“Alice was driving 200 miles per hour & almost got us killed.”

“Using always & never”

“He always takes my things!” ” He never shares!”

“Judging a person based on their worst moment”

At the end of a long, hot, frustrating day
little Frannie starts crying & screaming at bedtime.
Her cousin George declares, “She is such a baby!”

“Labeling without understanding the motivation”

Young Izzie takes a piece of gum from her mommy’s purse to share with her friend Jane.  Ken tells on her for stealing.


Linda is brutally teased by an older red headed girl & forevermore hates all red heads.


As adults, we too have our blind spots,
especially in relating to children.
For example:

“Overlooking behavior based on our connection with the offender”

“If Junior punched some little kid in the face I’m sure he deserved it.”

“Basing our judgment on performance, not effort”

Martie has a learning disability but when she brings home her report card she hears,
“All C’s again Martie? If you would just try a little harder
you could make A’s like your brother!”

“Condemning based on a behavior without seeing the whole person”

Little Jeremy grows up in a home where using profanity is common.
But he loves Jesus & goes to church with his neighbors.
When he says a bad word at church,

Olivia’s mom says she can’t play with Jeremy anymore because he is bad.


Point to Ponder:

For children nearly all of life is experienced in the moment. Therefore it is quite possible for them to share what they are experiencing & believe it is the absolute truth. (Not that they are incapable of lying, of course.) As we relate to them we need to understand this, as much as possible, and to measure our responses accordingly.

Two things about children work in their favor. They can adamantly express themselves in the noblest or worst terms & a few minutes later forget all about it. And they also will mature (hopefully) as they experience more of life.

As adults, we often respond to life in the same immature way our kids do. But unlike them, we don’t get over it quickly & our behavior doesn’t mature over time without intentionally choosing to make that happen. Here is some sage advice for all of us, young & old alike:

“Watch your words & hold your tongue; you’ll save yourself a lot of grief.” Prv. 21:23 MSG



small ruff



aches & pains, aging, exercise, expectations, happy new year, holidays, Humor, Life, life lessons, report cards, routines, Ruff, vacation

Resolutions & The Battle of the Bulges



fat dog 4

January, 2015

Throughout the course of my lifetime I have lost well over 1,000 pounds. Not all at once, but in bursts of self-control, dieting & exercise over the course of several decades. Only to regain it & need to repeat the process every few years. It seems January is an ideal time for making resolutions about losing weight, but if you are anything like me, there is also a need for course correction sometime during the year. What follows is a condensed, but true account of my life as a yo-yo dieter & weight-out-of-control specialist.

  New Year’s Resolution             Lose the 10 pounds I gained over the holidays

fat dog 3

Mid-Year Correction             Buy new running shoes to help me lose 20 pounds (cost $50)

running shoes

New Year’s Resolution             Buy new Skinny Clothes to fit my new body

skinny clothes 1

Mid-Year Correction             Buy new diet powder to help me lose 20 pounds (cost $40)

diet powder

New Year’s Resolution             Buy used exercise bike to help me lose weight this winter (cost $30)

stationary bike

Mid-Year Correction             Buy new miracle diet pills to lose 40 pounds by vacation (cost $85)

miracle weight loss

New Year’s Resolution             Don’t gain back 40 pounds lost last summer

skinny dog

Mid-Year Correction             Give away exercise bike, purchase real one to lose 20 pounds gained since January

bike dog

New Year’s Resolution             Lose the 10 pounds I gained over the holidays (again)

fat dog 3

Mid-Year Correction             Buy new medically proven diet plan book (cost $90)

diet plan book

New Year’s Resolution             Lose 20 pounds this year, buy treadmill (cost $375)

treadmill dog

Mid-Year Correction             Try all natural fruit & veggie diet

all natural weight loss

New Year’s Resolution             Lose 40 pounds this year

fat dog 1

Mid-Year Correction             Ride bike 20 miles/day before work

   riding bike

New Year’s Resolution Buy new Skinny Clothes to fit my new body

skinny clothes 2

Mid-Year Correction             Sell treadmill  at yard sale (for $35), Lose 20 pounds before vacation (somehow)          tread mill          yard salefat dog 2     New Year’s Resolution Lose 30 pounds, buy elliptical exercise machine (cost $425)   fat dog 4                      gazelle Mid-Year Correction             Purchase ultimate secret diet plan guaranteed to work (cost $150)

guaranteed weight loss

New Year’s Resolution             Accept my new not so skinny body is the result of aging & can’t be helped

fat dog 5

Mid-Year Correction             Start taking medication for high blood pressure/ high cholesterol meds New Year’s Resolution Stop making New Year’s Resolutions about weight


  Mid-Year Correction             Sell elliptical machine at yard sale (for $25)


New Year’s Resolution             Be happy with the new, bigger wardrobe received for Christmas  

heavy clothes

  As a post script to this story, I’d like to report that after decades of having a yo-yo weight problem I finally have it basically under control. Five years ago I was diagnosed (for the 2nd time) with type 2 diabetes. At the suggestion of my nutritionist, I converted to a low carb diet, cutting out most of what I thought I needed to survive – bread, sweets, potatoes, pasta, corn, etc. The first month was quite traumatic for me as I radically altered my lifestyle. But by the end of the summer I had lost nearly 60 pounds & I have kept it off (within a 10 pound limit) ever since. I no longer am diabetic, my blood pressure is under control & my doctor gave me an A+ on my latest blood test results. If you have ever eaten with me, you know that what I eat is significantly different from most people. Also you know that in order to fill up without the empty carbs, I eat significantly more than most people. In between meals when I get hungry I snack on all the almonds I want, so I never need to feel hungry. But the proof is in the pudding & I am now nearly 6 years into this new lifestyle & plan to continue it forever because it works.

Point to Ponder:

Many resolutions we make are similar to losing weight. We may be motivated on January 1 but in 2-3 weeks we are back to our old habits, whatever they may be. I remember several times as a teen resolving not to sin anymore. Guess how long that lasted! Only through the power of God & a good support system can real change be turned into a lifestyle. That is the secret of accountability groups & 12 Step Programs. If you want to make yourself feel good at the beginning of the year, make a resolution. If you really want to change your lifestyle, find someone who will hold you accountable to change. Who will encourage you when you fail, be there for you when you struggle & pray for God to bless you with his  enabling power. Blessings, Ruff cropped-old-dog-21.png

arguments, budget work, cars, dating, expectations, family, family humor, finances, holidays, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, memories, report cards, romance, Ruff, teens, Valentines Day, work

“Beauty and the Mutt”

August, 2014

“Beauty and the Mutt”

(A love story)

beauty mutt

In celebration of our 40th wedding anniversary on August 24, I want to share our personal love story this month. The process of falling in love, moving from casual acquaintances to a wedding is at once both exciting & frightening. It unleashes not only our highest dreams but also our strongest insecurities.

At its best, it is a magical time of mutual discovery & connectedness…

missing piece

                                                                                   finding the missing piece that leads to completeness.

Yet for most of us it is more like riding a roller coaster without seat belts

          roller coaster 1

                                                                           than it is a smooth sail into the sunset & happily ever after.

sunset sailing

For a mutt like me, falling in love didn’t happen quickly. I spent the first 18 years of my life standing in line, watching others enjoy the ride & dreaming of the day it would be my turn.

roller coaster 8

Then in October of 1972 I finally got up the nerve to ask Janice to go out with me… and she said, “No.” Something about having to go home for her brother’s wedding reception. “But thanks for asking.”  I thought that meant she wanted me to ask again. So I did & this time she said no again. Something about being in her cousin’s wedding that weekend. “But thanks for asking.” Now I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I was beginning to think I had her figured wrong. I decided to try one more time & if she said she was involved in yet another wedding I would just give up. But this time she said yes.

Soon we were dating steadily & our theme song was

top of the world

I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation

and the only explanation I can find

is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around

Your love’s put me at the top of the world


But alas what goes up must come down…

roller coaster 3

                                                  In what seemed just a matter of moments I flunked out of college

                                                  & was dumped by the girl of my dreams. I was in the depth of despair!

Over the next 10 months I worked several jobs I disliked & decided to return to college (where I became a much better student!) During that time Janice & I navigated the tricky road from being a former couple to becoming “just friends” (her desire not mine!) to becoming close friends

roller coaster 6

Then after I’d given up all hope for anything more,

                     Janice agreed to give our relationship another chance.

                                           On October 19, 1973 we had our second first date…

roller coaster 2

and the ride was on!

Janice would be graduating from college in early December & we needed to decide quickly if it was worth trying to keep our relationship alive long distance

roller coaster 9

Those were exciting, exhilarating, exhausting days. One minute we were sure we could last forever, the next minute… not so much.

At Christmas I visited Janice at her home & met her family.
Things were looking up!

After the holidays I went back to Messiah College in PA while Janice stayed in Ohio
& worked. To bridge the gap we each wrote a letter to the other daily,

     sealed with a kiss

sharing our thoughts & dreams, questions & love… always sealed with a kiss

This sharing of our lives on paper continues to this day as we both keep a journal
& allow the other to read it, thus improving our understanding of each other.
It is amazing how many misunderstandings are avoided or diffused
through this simple tool of communication.

dog thumb


But letters alone could not sustain our relationship. So every other weekend for 4 months I hitchhiked from college to see Janice. I would leave Friday morning  & return late Monday evening, depending on the rides I got. My grades dropped just a bit from missing 4 days every 2 weeks but I still maintained a decent g.p.a.

Those trips I lived on Bit O Honeys & the kindness of others

bit o honey

but the sacrifice was worth it for the precious hours with my beloved.


On Valentine’s day Janice visited me at college & in the wee hours of the morning we pledged our forever love to each other

feb 14      roller coaster 4

We kept our engagement a secret until Easter when I would ask her father for permission to marry her.


All was well until the night before, when she began expressing concerns & asking hard questions.
The fairy tail seemed about to unravel before my eyes…

roller coaster 5

Many years later I discovered that Janice comes from a family that makes decisions with great deliberation. What I interpreted as reticence on her part was in actuality part of a process that, once concluded, yields firm decisions & when a promise is made it is kept. I have learned to value that process!

Apparently I answered her questions correctly & her dad gave us his blessing
when I talked with him later.
On April 19, 1974 we announced to the world our intention to marry!

When college ended in the Spring I moved to Ohio to be near Janice.
A few weeks later, on a rainy Saturday, we sat in my car & discussed how soon we could afford to get married.

car in rain

After careful consideration of all the facts we concluded we would never be able to afford it. So it appeared our roller coaster ride was over.

roller coaster 7


But with the joyful optimism of youth (& the insane) we decided to take the plunge anyway.
Since we could never afford it, why wait?

taking plunge

On August 24, 1974 we tied the knot & entered into our happily ever after…

except it looked more like this

roller coaster 10

(to be continued)

Point to Ponder:

Marriage is not a ceremony, it is a commitment. A wedding is over in a few minutes, a marriage is designed to last forever. I hope you’ve enjoyed our love story. It didn’t end on that bright sunny afternoon when we took our vows. It continues to this day. We pledged to make God the center of our relationship from the beginning. Had we not done so it is unlikely we would have survived the test of time. But with his help we find ourselves not just hanging on for dear life but thriving together. I wish the same for you!





aging, arguments, cars, children, empty nest, family, finances, holidays, Humor, job, Life, love, marriage, parenting, report cards, Ruff, school, teens, Thanksgiving, toddlers, vacation, work, yard work

“A Gratitude Adjustment”

November, 2013

November is the month of Thanksgiving. A time for counting our blessings. Or at least it should be. Do you ever find yourself complaining when you should be rejoicing? Perhaps focusing on what is bad instead of what is good? Here’s a little self-test to see if you may need a gratitude adjustment.

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

 you whine about raking the leaves

    copyright Bill Frymire Nov 2003 Rake and Leaves

and miss their beauty

leaves 2

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

 you grumble about the heat in summer & the cold in winter

too hot        freezing

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you think your job is unbearable

too much

but forget that unemployment is worse

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you can’t enjoy vacation because everything is so expensive

angry vacation

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

your frustration about the dented fender

dented fender

overshadows the fact that no one was hurt

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you protest the high price of gas

gas pump

instead of being grateful that you can still afford to buy it

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you are angry at the slow driver in front of you & the speeding driver who passes you

slow car          slow down

but fail to give thanks when you arrive safely at your destination

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you moan that having your car towed cost more than the repairs


You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you wish your noisy kids would just be quiet

noisy kids

without being mindful of the many couples


who would give anything for a little noise

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

the clutter on the floor

toys on floor 2 (640x426)

causes you to forget your child’s happy face as it was madehappy child

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

Seeing scribbles on your walls


keeps you from hearing her avow, “It says I love you!”

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you ask your child why he got a B on his report card

report card 2

without noting the 5 A’s

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you demean your daughter’s awkward attempts to look like an adult

make up


but overlook her growing independence

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you hit the ceiling when your teen comes home an hour late


without be thankful that he came home


You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

                              you can’t wait until your kids move out

                                                                         off to college          empty nest 4

       & then mourn the empty nest

You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you don’t want your parent’s advice

no advice

but you do want their help


You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you grumble about paying all the bills


that came from buying things you didn’t need


You may need a gratitude adjustment if…

you complain about getting old instead of being thankful you are alive


Point to Ponder

In an affluent society such as ours, it seems contentment & gratitude should be automatic. But that is hardly true. Not even for me, many times. I challenge you ( & myself) to use the month of November to create a list of what you are grateful for. If we stop to count our blessings we will be surprised – both at how many blessings we have & how thankful we can be for those blessings. This is the way to accomplish a gratitude adjustment. And don’t forget to thank the One who describes himself as the giver of all good things.



