aches & pains, aging, bosses, difficult people, Dreams, exercise, expectations, family humor, finances, Humor, job, job security, life lessons, love, marriage, Ruff

Do you REALLY want to be Rich & Famous?


 September, 2015

“The grass is always greener if YOU don’t have to mow it!”

Part Three –

Do you REALLY want to be Rich & Famous?

All children dream of being somebody important. A famous football player, an Olympic skater, a movie star,
or (God forbid) President of the United States.

One of my earliest childhood aspirations was to become a cowboy like Roy Rogers. To ride the range, wrestling little “doggies” and keeping the ladies safe from the bad guys who wore black hats.

ruff 092015 b 

But my fondest dream was to be a trash collector. Hey, they got to ride around on a great big truck that made lots of noise, performed magic (making trash disappear), and to my childish eyes it appeared no one ever made them take a bath. Every little boy’s ultimate dream world!

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But dreams that come true aren’t always what they seem:

Do you REALLY want to be Rich & Famous?”

How about this????

Winning the Lottery!

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Many of my friends & co-workers faithfully make weekly investments into their state lotteries in hopes that one day they will hit the big one, be able to quit working & start living a life of ease.

Yet statistically, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning (twice!)

ruff 092015 e                                                       ruff 092015 e

than of winning the lottery. But should you win, you will suddenly have…

hundreds of new friends (who want a handout) & lots of attention (from the IRS & investment advisors who want a share of your fortune)

And history shows that within a few years you are far more likely to experience bankruptcy, divorce, misery & even suicide, than lasting happiness.

So instead maybe you should try being a…

Star Football Player

ruff 092015 g     ruff 092015 h

Wouldn’t it be great to makes millions of dollars every year & only work a few months?

To be adored by thousands of fans every week? Maybe not…

Because your rivals not only want to defeat you, they want to maim you…

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You can have your best season ever, but make one miscue in the championship game
& forever be known as the guy who choked under pressure…

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Not to mention having a fan with a beer gut & an IQ of 50 call you a bum…

ruff 092015 ae

Oh yeah, sign me up!!

Don’t give up your dream yet. You could always be a…

 Movie Star

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Here’s a life to be envied! Popularity beyond your wildest dreams!

On the cover of countless magazines! Voted sexiest person of the year!


But also having your “fairy tale-turned nightmare” on display for all the world to see…

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Needing to have a perfect body lest you end up on the cover of another magazine…

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    So many paparazzi around you can’t even pick your nose in private…

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Is this really the road to happiness? 

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There is one option left, if you dare…

President of the United States     

             ruff 092015 t   ruff 092015 u   ruff 092015 v   ruff 092015 x

The most powerful person in the free world…

On the cover of every magazine imaginable

ruff 092015 y

 Mentioned in the news daily

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                                                                                                                                    Revered by many… hated by multitudes

                                                                                                                         ruff 092015 aa

Where every nut in the family tree becomes a celebrity

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                                                                       The weight of the world on your shoulders…

                                                                                  ruff 092015 ac

                                                                                                                    While making less than many NFL benchwarmers

                                                                                                                        ruff 092015 ad

Maybe I’ll just be content with being a regular Joe Schmoe!

Point to Ponder:

Two of the most destructive words in the english language are, “If only.” If only I was richer. If only people respected me. If only I had a better job. If only I wasn’t so fat, skinny, ugly, etc. etc. ad nauseum…

The good news is that we don’t need to be perfect. Look around – do you see anyone else with a perfect life? I hope this series has helped us see that even those who appear to have it all… don’t! We are all fallen, damaged people trying desperately to not let all the other fallen, damaged people see what we are really like.

The cure for our brokenness is not hiding it or longing for something better. It is to accept who we are & to recognize that God loves us anyway. The greatest need we have in this life is to be loved by someone. When that person knows us, warts & all, & still loves us, that is a gift far greater than riches or fame! I pray that you may experience that love & acceptance both in this life & the life to come.


Ruff 082015 ZZ





arguments, bosses, children, church, difficult people, empty nest, expectations, family, family humor, finances, grandparenting, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, memories, neighbors, parenting, Politics, romance, routines, Ruff, school, stress, teens, toddlers, work, yard work

“Context Matters” August, 2015

To truly understand another person’s words or actions, it is necessary to not only observe & listen, but to understand the context of the situation. If you doubt my word, pay close attention to political advertisements in the coming year! It is quite possible to accurately quote someone’s actual words or voting record but to misconstrue them so that they appear to mean something quite contrary to their intent at the time. For example, a vote against a bill which would increase taxes may be interpreted as disregard for the poor. Or a proposal to cut government waste might also be considered as endangering our military personnel.

The same principles apply to everyday life. Be careful interpreting what you see with your own eyes or hear with your own ears. It is foolish to assign evil intentions just because it appears that way to us. Here are a few examples of why we can’t always trust what seems obvious:



Being recognized by your boss in front of your fellow-employees

Ruff 082015 A   is an honor to be coveted

unless you are being chewed out for poor performance

Ruff 082015 B







Seeing a cop pull up behind you with lights flashing

               RUFF 082015 c

                 means one thing if you are speeding…

 but quite another

 rUFF 082015 d

if your vehicle is stranded by the side of the road


    Tooth paste all over the sink

   Ruff 082015 E

     might be cause for joy that

my toddler is brushing her teeth…

or an indication that my teen

Ruff 082015 F

doesn’t clean up after himself

   Sloppy mowing can be overlooked

  Ruff 082015 G

  when completed by a ten-year old…

but not when it is done by a lawn service

Ruff 082015 H

Watching your child read a picture book

Ruff 082015 I

                is exciting at age 3 or 4…

but discouraging at 15

Ruff 082015 J

“Look, mom, my plate is clean!”

  Ruff 082015 K

is wonderful to hear when your child
finishes her vegetables…

until you discover 

Ruff 082015 L

how she got it “clean”

A fender bender   Ruff 082015 M

is considered normal for an inexperienced driver…

Ruff 082015 N

unless he is only 12 at the time       


An occasional broken dish is understandable

Ruff 082015 O

for a toddler wanting to help

Ruff 082015 P

                but unacceptable

Ruff 082015 S

when caused by an angry teen forced to help

Assisting your child with homework is commendable

ruff 082015 AG

when wrestling with tough math problems in 3rd grade…

but a miscarriage of justice


when you write a term paper for him in high school

A clean house can be a source of great pride

Ruff 082015 U

but messy grandchildren bring great joy

Ruff 082015 V


Telling your pastor his sermon was very useful is complimentary

Ruff 082015 W

unless it was because

Ruff 082015 X

                            you had a good nap during the message

We teach our children to be honest in all things

Ruff 082015 Y

but unfiltered honesty can be dangerous

Ruff 082015 Z

Siblings having a knockdown, drag out fight

Ruff 082015 AA

is relatively routine when they are preschoolers…

but totally objectionable when they are adults

Ruff 082015 AB

discussing their inheritance

And finally…


Having your granddaughter ask loudly, “Does she have a baby in her tummy?”

can be cute if she is obviously pregnant…

Ruff 082015 AC

but awkward if she is merely overweight

ruff 08 2015 ah

and totally disturbing when she asks,

Ruff 082015 AE

“Papa, do you have a baby in your tummy?”

Point to Ponder:

If we learn nothing else from this month’s issue, I hope we will see the importance of not being quick to judge. We cannot fully know the context of another’s words or behavior. What may appear black & white to us, may in actuality be a gross misunderstanding of the person’s intent. While we can know what is right and wrong about certain behaviors, we must be careful not to judge the person.

We don’t all start at the same point & it is dangerous to condemn based on what may seem apparent now, without seeing the whole picture. The Bible warns us against judging, admonishing us to leave that to God, who sees everything & knows every intention of the heart. If God judges me with the same degree of harshness I impose on others, what hope is there for me? I’m grateful to be in the hands of the One who judges mercifully.



Ruff 082015 ZZ



aging, church, Dreams, expectations, family, family humor, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, marriage, memories, mornings, ocean, romance, routines, Ruff, school, teens, vacation, work

“The Stuff of Dreams”

 May, 2015


Does anyone else have recurring nightmares? The same dream, with minor variations, repeated over & over ad nauseam.

Some people dream of falling dream falling   

                                   Others of being chased   Chased in dream

Or being so scared you can’t make a sound

scared speechlessdespite trying to scream  


My recurring nightmares make all the rest seem like a child’s picnic. When I am tormented by dreams it is always the same: I am…

Barney Fife!

barney fife 2

Since I was a knee-high to a grasshopper, I have been plagued with night-time visions of having the style, finesse & charm of our blustering buddy Barney.


Warning: the remainder of this newsletter is not for the squeamish!


When I was in school I often dreamed of being in English class. Just as the teacher called on me to give my book report at the front of the room, I discovered I was only wearing my underwear.


I never could figure out how I made it all the way to class without anyone noticing. But have you ever tried to cover yourself when 30 of your peers are staring at you & laughing their heads off?

students laughing

Barney would have been proud!


In college these dreams became more sophisticated. It was always the last day of the semester…

I wasn’t sure when the final exams were scheduled   

I wasn’t even sure where the class met class schedule


empty seatbecause I hadn’t been there all semester…

In my defense, I had such high regard for the professor college prof 3    

bored student that I didn’t want him to think I was bored

so I stayed in bed during class.

(Unfortunately, I actually did this!)

The biggest problem was trying to explain
why I now needed extra credit to not fail his class…meeting prof

for the third time in a row! failedfailedfailed

failing again

The good news is that (in my dreams at least) I always woke up before being officially notified:

your out

(Actually, flunking out of college at the end of the first semester of my first sophomore year was one of the best things that ever happened to me. But that is for another issue of Ruff.)


Even after I got my Bachelor’s Degree (in 5 years) , I continued to have those same college nightmares for decades. But gradually they were replaced by Post Office dreams.

To be honest, I actually felt like Barney for the first few years I worked there.

No matter how hard I tried

mail man in trouble I managed to bungle things on a regular basis.

Even now after 30 years, in my dreams, my performance is still stuck in Barney mode. For example:

confused mailman

I am at a new office & I can’t find my time card or the time clock. As I wander aimlessly about, others are done sorting their mail & leaving for the street. No one else seems to notice my personal meltdown.


I don’t know how many times I’ve dreamed about being

 deliver in darkonly halfway through my route as dark approaches.  

I try to call my supervisor to explain I will be late calling on cell phonebut the line is either  busy or no one answers. Meanwhile with each attempt I am getting further & further behind!

Other times I am on an unfamiliar route. As I finish a carrying a swing I realize I have no idea where I am or where I parked my truck.   

mail truck

I call the office & frantically seek a way to explain to my boss how I could get lost, & also lose my $50,000 vehicle.

Meanwhile all the neighbors are staring at me people staring as I walk in circles muttering to myself, “Barney, I need you!”

Now that I have seniority & a wonderful route, I often dream that I have foolishly bid on another route in a less desirable section of town, complete with lots of dogs   scared by dog
(and dog poop!) dog poop 2 

Realizing my mistake, I desperately try to get my old route back, only to be outbid by someone with more seniority. The good news is that I have had this nightmare so often that I sometimes realize while I am sleeping that it is only a dream & can wake myself up.


Even my vacations can fall prey to the Barney effect. For the past 40+ years I have spent a week of my summer at our church camp near Dayton, Ohio.


   I have been a camper, a youth leader & even on the camp management team. Yet I am still plagued with the recurring dream that it is the last day of camp  camp bed & I realize that I have spent the whole time in bed & not participated in one scheduled activity all week.


Perhaps the most frustrating nightmares I have are about my own personal “paradise on earth” 

  ocnj welcome         

Ocean City, NJ.

In one scenario our apartment is so far from the beach that it takes 30 minutes just to drive there. When we arrive, the beach is wall to wall people because it is only 50 yards wide.

crowded beach 2

And there are only tiny waves, because the ocean is just  a small river…        river ocean


The other OCNJ dream I have is similar to my camp nightmare. It is the last day of a two-week vacation
& as we pack to go home….      packing  I realize I haven’t even been to the beach yet!                

The only glimpse I get of the ocean  that year is in my rear view mirror mirror oceanas we drive over the bridge to leave the island.


Then there is the recurring dream about visiting friends. As always, I really need to use the bathroom as soon as I arrive.

gotta pee 2

My friends live in a mansion.  mansion There are eight bedrooms & ten bathrooms.  But everyone I try is occupied.

Someone doing her hair doing hairanother her makeup   doing makeup

And some are showering. steamed mirror  Just when I am about to burst, I finally find an unoccupied bathroom in an unoccupied bedroom. Whew!!

But  as I’m washing my hands I notice a yellow puddle on the floor bathroom puddle & realize the commode was just sitting on the floor unattached to plumbing.

unattached toilet

I slink back downstairs hoping no one will notice till after we leave. But I hear voices in the kitchen… Our friends wondering why their ceiling is leaking.

leaking ceiling

I’m not sure even Barney could get out of that one!


Point to Ponder:

Most, if not all of us, harbor deep feelings of inadequacy. No matter how smart, talented or well off we appear to others, we know what we are truly like. In our dreams, those feelings we try so hard to deny seem to rise to the surface. What a relief it is to awaken to find that it was only  a dream!

Someday, those of us who believe in the Lord, will awaken to find that all of the ugliness, the pain, the inadequacies, the outright awfulness of our lives on earth are gone. As if we had been having a bad dream, this new consciousness will overwhelm us with relief & gratitude as we come face to face with the  One who loves us unconditionally & invites us to be with him forever.




blessings ruff

cars, Emergency Room, expectations, family, family humor, Humor, Life, life lessons, memories, routines, Ruff, work

“It is not good for the man to be alone”

 April, 2015


“It is not good for the man to be alone”

                                                                    ~ God

The inspiration for this month’s Ruff came from church. Our pastors have been doing a series on authentic community & the above quote was used to introduce the subject. But I have a confession to make: I can’t remember much of what was said after that point in the sermon, because my mind was moving in a whole different direction. Hopefully you (& God!) will forgive my transgression as you ponder this thought with me.

Men, where would we be without the women in our lives? I shudder to think about it! Ladies, after reading this, you will either quake in your high heel boots or pat yourselves on the back for preventing the total demise of your mate.


When God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” (Gen. 2:18 NIV) was He perhaps thinking about some of these possibilities?

Male Hygiene

Night Time

hygiene 3


hygiene 1

                                                                                                             The Annual Changing

crusty sheets

                                                                                                                    of the Sheets   


Fashion Statements

          My Favorite

filthy clothes


Getting Warmed Up

getting warmed up

  for the Big Interview

                                                                                                             Looking Cool


                                                                                                                                 at the Beach

Time to Clean Up?

     A Place for Everything

    dirty garage

and Everything out of Place

Saving Money

dirty laundry

at the Laundromat

                                                                                                                        Oh, Crap!

dirty bathroom

                                                                                                                     Now What?

Around the Kitchen

    Dual Purpose Dinette Set                      The Original Male Slurpee

pizza boxes                eating spaghetti


 Time to Wash the Dishes?

dirty dishes 2


Not Yet!

drinking milk                                eating from can


Boy Toys

                 Need for Speed!

fast car speeding



It’s Not Just for Pigs Anymore!

                                                                           “Turn it up a little”

                                                           stereo speakers       


Male Social Habits

                   Guy Talk

guy talk

     “What’s up?” “Nothing”


                  driving signals


                                                                      Celebrating with

                                                                   head butts

                                                                           Head Butts

And finally… Sheer Stupidity!


            Stupid Is…                              

car jack

      as Stupid Does                                  

Even if it works…   

lighting farts

 You’re Gonna Get Burned!         

 “You Scratch my Back”    

scratch back

 “and I’ll Scratch Yours”

            Playing Chicken

playing chicken


                                                                  Father/Son Bonding


Point to Ponder:

The followng few weeks at church I got a chance to redeem myself  as I actually listened to the rest of the series on authentic community. At least as much as one can listen while taking children to their classes & bringing one or more back who didn’t want to stay. Then holding, entertaining and shushing said children repeatedly during the message.

But the point of the series is that God created us to be together. Obviously, men need women. Women need women, too. And men need other men. And we all need each other. Are you part of a community where you can know & be known? love & be loved? celebrate & be celebrated? If not, you are missing out on an essential part of the human experience. If you are looking, I’d be happy to help you find a place to connect.





aging, arguments, children, church, expectations, family, family humor, finances, grandparenting, holidays, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, memories, mornings, parenting, routines, Ruff, school, Sunday, teens, toddlers

Knapp Family Holiday Traditions- Putting the Fun in DysFUNctional – Part One

December, 2014

looney tunes

Welcome to the Knapp’s

I can’t think of a better way to describe many of the holiday memories I have from my childhood. Every family has special traditions which they look forward to each year & ours was no exception. In this issue I’d like to paint a picture of some of the unique holiday activities I grew up with. Next year, Lord willing, I’ll share how the traditions changed as the Knapp family merged with the “more sane” Buckwalter family when Janice & I married.


Let’s begin this picture with Santa Claus. Back in those days there was only one Santa, who always arrived (by helicopter) at the end of the annual Christmas parade on the day after Thanksgiving. If you wanted to see him you needed to go to his temporary headquarters downtown. He was only available there & only until December 23.

helicopter santa                                                               santa village

In my family, the trek to see Santa always involved lots of excitement in us kids & threats from Mom & Dad that we’d find only a lump of coal in our stockings if we weren’t good.

lump of coal

In retrospect, I don’t ever recall my sister Mary & I being just “good” during the Advent season (or any season). But apparently Santa extended as much grace as God, for we always received presents… along with our coal.


Believe it or not, when I was growing up Christmas shopping never began until the day after Thanksgiving. And stores opened at 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. depending on their regular hours. It would have been considered insane to wake up early to get to the stores by 4:00 a.m. for the official beginning of the holiday shopping season.

black friday 2014

The newspaper always counted down the number of shopping days until Christmas.

shoping days til xmas

Sundays weren’t considered shopping days back then because all the department stores were closed.  And in my family, the apparent philosophy was to wait until the last possible moment in hopes of getting discounts on what was left.



The first official signs of Christmas at the Knapp house appeared when we unpacked our holiday trimmings from their “secret” hiding place (a section of our house reserved for miscellaneous clutter in what was then known as “the other room”). 

cluttered room                                                                                  xmas decorations

The timing of this unveiling was probably around the beginning of December each year. But in the minds of Mary and me, the keys to making it happen sooner involved a lot of whining and promises to “help” set things up. As the years went on, that “help” eventually evolved into help & later into actually doing much of it ourselves.

There was always the same progression to our decorating. First we had to sweep, clean & generally declutter the living room.  Usually that began on a Saturday morning and was accomplished with lightning speed by nightfall. Of course, the Knapp method of decluttering meant simply moving it from one location to another…

hiding clutter

                                                                                    … hiding it under beds, in closets and in “the other room”. By the end of all the yelling at, telling on & crying, we were all in a sufficiently festive mood to start decorating. Let the fun begin!

Indoor decorations included several ceramic Santas (bought at garage sales), reindeer, and a lighted village set (complete with a crèche & Santa) with a strip of cotton underneath for snow.

ceramic santa 1       lighted village                 sleigh

Oh how delicate the process was to set this up! Suffice it to say that a hyperactive little boy was only allowed to lay the foundation of cotton “snow” before the other breakable pieces were added. What a delight to my young ego when I was finally entrusted to place the sleigh in the scene – the year I turned 16!

The outdoor decorating was the designated responsibility of my dad & me. We would watch the forecast eagerly for the most opportune night to get started.

cold weather forecast                                                     lights on roof

If my memory serves me correctly, the lights could only be added along the roof if  the temperatures hit single digits or below & the wind was gusting to 50 mph!


We used the biggest, gaudiest colored lights we could find (at garage sales)

                                                     outdoor lights     tangled lights

                                    and only in later years did we soften our approach by untangling them before we went outside. I can still recall  those  precious memories:
beautiful colors…  broken clothes pins… hot chocolate…  & frost bite!

Holiday preparations were always brought to a climax by the decorating of the Christmas tree. The scientific method my dad used for selecting a tree became ingrained in me as wee lad: Begin by waiting as long as possible (until the whining had reached epic proportions), then load the family into the car & drive to a tree lot.

buying xmas tree

Look for the cheapest (ugliest) trees available. Examine them carefully, turning each one several times to look for bare spots. Then choose the one all the other families left behind & declare, “This is all we can afford!”

But the real adventure began when the tree arrived home! First we had to nail a relatively square cross to the relatively flat bottom of the tree. Then with great fanfare we would try to drag it into the house. My childlike brain could never figure out why it was so difficult to squeeze a 6 foot wide tree through a 3 foot wide door opening.

tree stand                                                                                                             stuck xmas tree

Suffice it to say that by the time it was actually inside our living room, the “bare” side of the tree we saw in the lot became the best side to display at home. Getting the tree to stand up straight and tall, however, was another story entirely! Without all the superfluous branches that had become dislodged in the process of getting it inside, we discovered that the trunk was the problem. How do you get a tree to stand straight, that at its core is shaped like a C or an S or an X?


“Turn it that way…” “No, its leaning too much to the right now…” “Rotate it half way around…” “Oh no, it’s gonna fall!”

toppled tree

At this point, my dad would graciously bow out to take a nerve pill & go to bed. For the next few hours the rest of us would “joyously” place lights, strands of garland, bulbs, birds, candy canes and icicles on our poor dismembered tree. The process would have taken about 20 minutes if my sister and I hadn’t kept rearranging each other’s handiwork.

fighting children          broken ornaments

 Before we were finished we would both be in tears, surrounded by broken ornaments, tinsel & the remains of other homemade works of art. That we lived to do it all again next year is a tribute to my mom’s saint-like patience & her dire warning that if we didn’t stop it right this minute she would get our dad out of bed “to settle this once & for all!”

Between the time the tree went “up” & Christmas itself there many frantic activities to keep us (relatively) out of trouble. There were school programs & rehearsals. Church programs & rehearsals. Making costumes out of bathrobes & towels.

xmas pageant          christmas cookies

And baking a gazillion cookies, which seemed like a lot at the time,
but actually were gone before the tree was taken down.


Another tradition our family had, was going with our church to sing carols to the “old” people…

caroling 2

…who I now know were not much older than I am today.


The Knapp family  had an interesting way of shopping. Mom did it all.

mom wrapping

 She bought. She hid. She wrapped. And she put on the tags. So on Christmas Day, when the presents were opened we were always surprised. Not just to see what we got, but also what we gave others.

getting underwear                            cigs

It’s such fun to get a package of underwear from your teenage sister! And without fail, I always ended up giving Uncle Johnny a carton of cigarettes! I think that may have been illegal, even back then.

Though there was less intrigue for her, Mom always seemed pleased with the gifts we  “gave” her.

mom gift

Later in life my brother Ed came along. My dad always referred to him as “our little surprise package!” Being the baby of the family he received a lot of attention & spoiling, but it had its disadvantages too. By then my grandparents were getting up in years & started shopping with the “If he liked it last year, he’ll like it again this year” strategy.

wind up train

One memorable moment came the year Ed received the very same toy train for the third year in a row & shouted what we were all thinking, but were too embarrassed to say, “Oh, no! Not another train!” As I recall, the next year they didn’t give him a train… or anything else!

No Christmas celebration would be complete without a big meal. In our family, that meant my mom cooked, baked, cleaned & set up for the celebration. As she got older, she developed a new tradition which could be counted on as sure as the dismembered Christmas tree. She always burned the biscuits!

burned biscuits

In her defense, it was a big load to carry, what with all the food preparation & being a good hostess as well. She seemed to do fine until the last relatives arrived (45 minutes late). Then she would hurriedly put the rolls in the oven & show our guests where to put the presents, their coats & any food they had brought (usually none). All would be well until we got that special sensation in our nostrils. At which point mom would invariably call out, “Oh no! Mary, you forgot to remind me to take out the biscuits!”


Point to Ponder:

These are some of my memories of Christmas past. I hoped they triggered some of your own as well. This time of year is especially fine for gathering with family & friends to share the bounty we all have been blessed with. But it can also be a lonely time for those who have only memories of their loved ones.  Separation caused by death, moving or broken relationships can be devastating during the holidays. Who do you know that could use a special reminder that they are loved? Use this season as an excuse to reach out & touch someone. A letter, a phone call, an e-mail or better yet, a visit can offer a lifeline to a person drowning in loneliness. That is the true spirit of the season.





aging, cars, children, church, dating, empty nest, family, family humor, finances, grandparenting, holidays, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, memories, mornings, ocean, parenting, romance, routines, Ruff, Sunday, teens, Thanksgiving, Turkeys, vacation, work


November, 2014


In 1994 Janice and I began recording things we were thankful for each day. In the two decades since we have accumulated literally thousands of praises. This month I will share each one of them in detail. Just kidding! Today I was reading in the book of Micah in the Old Testament. He exhorted his readers to “Keep God’s salvation stories fresh & present.” In this issue I hope to do just that. So here is a list of a few things I am thankful for at this stage of my life’s journey:


                 Two ply toilet paper                                                                                                          


                           Flush toilets

                          Air freshener


Summer evenings

lightning bugs

Lightning bugs

Mason jars with holes poked in the lids

                 Gentle rain

gentle rain





                                                                                                                                                             (when I am cozy inside)

Seeing God’s people being the church as it was intended

church people

Men doing yard work & auto repairs


             for those who can’t

                                                                                                   Ladies reaching out to include other ladies


                                                                                                            in planned & unplanned activities


                                                                                                                      Unexpected intimacy in our men’s group         

intimacy in mens group 

                                                                                                                      Praying together about our everyday challenges

                                                                                                                                   Sharing how God is helping us                  


Waking up each morning to the love of my life

waking up to you 2

Our daily ritual of saying “This is the day the Lord has made” & the other responding “Let us rejoice & be glad in it!”

Repeating the ritual again because one or both of us forgot we already said it


The joy of an enduring relationship

40 years

Companionable silence

Fits of laughter at bedtime

Marveling at the steadfast commitment of my in-laws


 through each season of their 66 years of marriage

Watching God mature our children through life’s various challenges

                                                  KJ over hill       stephen with girls

just as He has matured us

Realizing that grandchildren are God’s reward…


for not killing our kids                       

Spending time with my two favorite granddaughters

spending time

      Hearing them greet me with, “Papa! Papa!”  

       Watching them run to me with open arms

Crisp autumn walks with Trinity & Lilly        

johnsons woods 2

Watching squirrels & chipmunks frolic in the woods

 “Look Papa, it’s raining leaves. It’s so beautiful!”   

And finally… Outhouses

outhouse 1          boy in outhouse

As a poor, miserable, lonely boy I often retreated to my “outhouse sanctuary” where I could cry in solitude

                              God loves me

And in such an unlikely place as this I heard God speak


Now, as an older mailman with frequent urges & nowhere to attend to them

I find the sight of a Porta-Pot on my route to be comforting in a whole new way


Point to Ponder:

For what are you thankful? We have been blessed with so much… family, friends, employment/retirement, safe, pleasant places to dwell, the joy & security of knowing God. I challenge you to an experiment. For one day, try to “fast” from television, radio, the internet, etc. & use the time you would have spent on these activities to count your blessings. Write them down. Share them with someone you love. You will be amazed at what a difference it can make to focus on what God is doing, rather than be sucked into the negative attitude fostered by our 24/7 media. Happy Thanksgiving!





aches & pains, aging, budget work, church, dating, expectations, family, family humor, finances, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, memories, romance, routines, Ruff, vacation, Valentines Day

“I love you dear”

September, 2014

Nearly 50 years ago Sonny and Cher made a hit of the song, “I got you babe” proclaiming that even though they were young and poor they still had what it takes to make a marriage work. Unfortunately, they discovered all too soon that they were wrong. Just 40 years ago Janice & I leaped into marriage with the  same incredible expectations. Ours has lasted. The difference, I believe is that our relationship had God at its center. And what a difference that makes!

What follows is a song I wrote for my beloved wife of 40 years, a parody of “I got you babe” from the perspective of an aging boomer. Enjoy!

Point to Ponder

Our society  seems to worship youth & beauty.  The value system of this world is really upside down compared to the values of the Kingdom of God. I will never be famous, rich or beautiful, but I have discovered firsthand the truth that contentment is not dependent upon having earthly treasures, but upon being a child of the King. Of all the riches in my life, the two greatest are my relationship with God and my relationship with Janice. I wish the same treasures for you & yours.




arguments, budget work, cars, dating, expectations, family, family humor, finances, holidays, Humor, job, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, memories, report cards, romance, Ruff, teens, Valentines Day, work

“Beauty and the Mutt”

August, 2014

“Beauty and the Mutt”

(A love story)

beauty mutt

In celebration of our 40th wedding anniversary on August 24, I want to share our personal love story this month. The process of falling in love, moving from casual acquaintances to a wedding is at once both exciting & frightening. It unleashes not only our highest dreams but also our strongest insecurities.

At its best, it is a magical time of mutual discovery & connectedness…

missing piece

                                                                                   finding the missing piece that leads to completeness.

Yet for most of us it is more like riding a roller coaster without seat belts

          roller coaster 1

                                                                           than it is a smooth sail into the sunset & happily ever after.

sunset sailing

For a mutt like me, falling in love didn’t happen quickly. I spent the first 18 years of my life standing in line, watching others enjoy the ride & dreaming of the day it would be my turn.

roller coaster 8

Then in October of 1972 I finally got up the nerve to ask Janice to go out with me… and she said, “No.” Something about having to go home for her brother’s wedding reception. “But thanks for asking.”  I thought that meant she wanted me to ask again. So I did & this time she said no again. Something about being in her cousin’s wedding that weekend. “But thanks for asking.” Now I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but I was beginning to think I had her figured wrong. I decided to try one more time & if she said she was involved in yet another wedding I would just give up. But this time she said yes.

Soon we were dating steadily & our theme song was

top of the world

I’m on the top of the world looking down on creation

and the only explanation I can find

is the love that I’ve found ever since you’ve been around

Your love’s put me at the top of the world


But alas what goes up must come down…

roller coaster 3

                                                  In what seemed just a matter of moments I flunked out of college

                                                  & was dumped by the girl of my dreams. I was in the depth of despair!

Over the next 10 months I worked several jobs I disliked & decided to return to college (where I became a much better student!) During that time Janice & I navigated the tricky road from being a former couple to becoming “just friends” (her desire not mine!) to becoming close friends

roller coaster 6

Then after I’d given up all hope for anything more,

                     Janice agreed to give our relationship another chance.

                                           On October 19, 1973 we had our second first date…

roller coaster 2

and the ride was on!

Janice would be graduating from college in early December & we needed to decide quickly if it was worth trying to keep our relationship alive long distance

roller coaster 9

Those were exciting, exhilarating, exhausting days. One minute we were sure we could last forever, the next minute… not so much.

At Christmas I visited Janice at her home & met her family.
Things were looking up!

After the holidays I went back to Messiah College in PA while Janice stayed in Ohio
& worked. To bridge the gap we each wrote a letter to the other daily,

     sealed with a kiss

sharing our thoughts & dreams, questions & love… always sealed with a kiss

This sharing of our lives on paper continues to this day as we both keep a journal
& allow the other to read it, thus improving our understanding of each other.
It is amazing how many misunderstandings are avoided or diffused
through this simple tool of communication.

dog thumb


But letters alone could not sustain our relationship. So every other weekend for 4 months I hitchhiked from college to see Janice. I would leave Friday morning  & return late Monday evening, depending on the rides I got. My grades dropped just a bit from missing 4 days every 2 weeks but I still maintained a decent g.p.a.

Those trips I lived on Bit O Honeys & the kindness of others

bit o honey

but the sacrifice was worth it for the precious hours with my beloved.


On Valentine’s day Janice visited me at college & in the wee hours of the morning we pledged our forever love to each other

feb 14      roller coaster 4

We kept our engagement a secret until Easter when I would ask her father for permission to marry her.


All was well until the night before, when she began expressing concerns & asking hard questions.
The fairy tail seemed about to unravel before my eyes…

roller coaster 5

Many years later I discovered that Janice comes from a family that makes decisions with great deliberation. What I interpreted as reticence on her part was in actuality part of a process that, once concluded, yields firm decisions & when a promise is made it is kept. I have learned to value that process!

Apparently I answered her questions correctly & her dad gave us his blessing
when I talked with him later.
On April 19, 1974 we announced to the world our intention to marry!

When college ended in the Spring I moved to Ohio to be near Janice.
A few weeks later, on a rainy Saturday, we sat in my car & discussed how soon we could afford to get married.

car in rain

After careful consideration of all the facts we concluded we would never be able to afford it. So it appeared our roller coaster ride was over.

roller coaster 7


But with the joyful optimism of youth (& the insane) we decided to take the plunge anyway.
Since we could never afford it, why wait?

taking plunge

On August 24, 1974 we tied the knot & entered into our happily ever after…

except it looked more like this

roller coaster 10

(to be continued)

Point to Ponder:

Marriage is not a ceremony, it is a commitment. A wedding is over in a few minutes, a marriage is designed to last forever. I hope you’ve enjoyed our love story. It didn’t end on that bright sunny afternoon when we took our vows. It continues to this day. We pledged to make God the center of our relationship from the beginning. Had we not done so it is unlikely we would have survived the test of time. But with his help we find ourselves not just hanging on for dear life but thriving together. I wish the same for you!





aging, arguments, children, empty nest, expectations, family, family humor, grandparenting, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, memories, mornings, parenting, routines, Ruff, teens, toddlers

“When Silence is not Golden”

July, 2014

“When Silence is not Golden”
or “What was I thinking?”

The experience of spending significant time with our wonderful granddaughters has brought back many memories of when our own kids were growing up. One of the things we learned early on is that silence is not always golden. Often it is a signal of impending trouble. Perhaps you, too, have taken solace in a moment of peace & quiet amidst the normal chaos of living, only to discover later the price to be paid for that small slice of “tranquility”.
All of the stories which follow are actual experiences with our children or grandchildren. For a small price we would be willing to identify the real perpetrators behind the pictures.

“I think s/he went back to sleep…
I just need a few extra minutes before starting the day.”

nap time 3

(adventures with a poopy diaper)

“Honey, it’s your turn to get up with the kids this morning”

dimetapp                                                    flintstone vitamins

(Adventures in overdosing…

 or why we have Poison Control on speed dial)


“Finally, I can get to the dishes while they watch TV.”

playing with tp                                                    playing in toilet


“Go to your room until I tell you to come out!”

naptime 2

“I’ll just use the bathroom while she’s in there on the time out chair.”

naptime 1

As Mom picks up toys downstairs

Mom: “What are you doing up there?”

Child: “Just playing”

Mom: “Okay”

Ten minutes later…

Mom: Where are my contacts?

contact lenses

Child: I thought they were candy

“I told you to stop throwing stuff on the floor.
Now get down there & pick up that apple!”

eating 1

A scientist in the making?

Child: “Mom can I do an experiment?”

Tired mom: “I don’t care. Just don’t make a mess”

science experiment 1



“I’m going to lie down while he takes a nap.”



(3-year-old straddles an open second floor bedroom window)

“Why don’t you just lie here on the blanket & take a nap while I read?”

nutrition 3

“You’re not in my room are you?”

jewelry box

“Just give me 10 minutes to myself & then I’ll play with you”

child cutting hair

(Adventures with scissors)



“Has anyone seen my purse?”

nanas purse

“Are you about done with your bath?”

playing with makeup

“I have a headache. Can you please go in the other room & color?”

child drawing on wall

And finally at the end of a long day…

Mom: “Do you hear that?”

Dad: “I don’t hear anything”

Mom: “I know isn’t it beautiful?”

candy in bed 1

Point to Ponder:

Silence is hard to come by these days. Especially for parents of active children. Let me offer a word of encouragement from one who has been there & is now back for another round: To everything there is a season. A time for chaos & a time for quiet. Once you become empty nesters there will be a season for the cessation of bedlam, but before long you will yearn for the good old days of banging doors, yelling & loud music. That’s why God invented grandchildren. But as fun as they are, even grandparents need a break from the children. That’s why God invented parents to send them home to.





arguments, cars, children, church, empty nest, exercise, expectations, family, family humor, grandparenting, Humor, Life, life lessons, love, marriage, memories, mornings, parenting, routines, Ruff, Sunday, teens, toddlers

“The Happy Family Goes to Church”

May, 2014


The following is (basically) a true story. None of the names have been changed to protect the innocent, because there were no innocents!

When our children were little (and not so little) we had a saying which we repeated over & over on Sunday mornings: The happy family goes to church!” If ever there was an apt description for what took place among our little clan between 7:00 & 9:30 a.m. each Lord’s Day, this was not it!

                         It was hard enough in the BC (Before Children) years.

What with one of us insisting on sleeping in until the last possible moment

man sleeping in bed

& the other one demanding a return home because she forgot her lipstick
(as if naked lips were obscene)

woman without lipstick

we rarely arrived at church in a frame of mind conducive to worship!

frowny face

But once kids were added to the mix, the chaos swelled to a whole new level. I took my cue from my dad whose Sunday morning routine included sleeping in, eating breakfast & then going to the car. His role in speeding things along was to periodically honk the horn & tell us to hurry up.

honking horn

I tried this when Katrina was little – one time! At that point I discovered Janice expected me to play a more “active” role than exercising my lungs & the horn.

Over the years our pre-church routine gradually evolved from chaos into…
a well-oiled time bomb!

Normally the kids would not respond pleasantly to my cheerful wake up call:

good morning bullhorn



(Hey, it worked at Woodstock to arouse a mob of drug-induced hippies, so why not try it on my little cherubs?) But alas, even though I used this approach throughout their entire childhoods it rarely produced the desired results.

So next I moved to Plan B. In my lifetime I have attended several different churches & observed many spiritual rituals. The pastors referred to one these spiritual rites as baptism, but when I used it to get my kids out of bed,
they called it water torture.

I began with the Methodist mode of sprinkling. Just a few drops on the forehead.


If that didn’t work, the Mennonite practice of pouring was adopted.
Generally, offering a cup of cold water (in the face)
in Jesus’ name was sufficient to motivate their cooperation.

baptism by pouring

However, on a few occasions I was forced to use the more conventional method of full immersion.


Suffice it to say, that the more water involved, the less likely we were to experience a pleasant Sunday morning.

Once the children were finally out of bed the challenges only multiplied. Early on we had to juggle changing diapers, feeding them breakfast, getting them dressed for church,


cleaning up vomit, changing their clothes all over again,
putting on their coats & hats, then reversing the process to remove & replace a stinky diaper,
before driving like a maniac to get to church on time.

maniac 2

Blessed were the mornings when the latest disaster happened before we got out the door instead of on the way to church.

smiley face

As they got older, the kids (theoretically) were able to accomplish most of the getting ready process on their own. Mismatched socks & shirts on backward were a small price to pay

mismatched socks backwards shirt 001

for the independence we felt as parents at not having to fight through each step with two wiggling, squirming, squealing, crying, hitting or biting little angels.

I won’t even mentioned how often Stephen ended up getting dressed in the van. We were just grateful if all body parts were covered by the time we reached the church parking lot!

And if anyone ever invents a backseat with floor to ceiling dividing walls to keep siblings from touching each other, they could make billions!

fight in backseat

Katrina aptly recalls that at this point in our joyful journey to “worship” Janice would erupt into song from the front seat. A song her mother used to sing to encourage harmony when Janice & her siblings were young.

“There is beauty all around when there’s love at home.”

(Sung repeatedly until the sentiment became reality)

musical notes

I can only assume it was more successful a generation earlier!

Also, let’s not forget the routine interruptions that require the patience of Job

& the wisdom of Solomon.

Child:                                                                                  Dad:

“I have to go to the bathroom!”                      “I told you to go before we left!”

“Dad, I really have to go!”                “We’re almost there, now stop whining!”


“Dad…”                                                                           “WHAT NOW!!’

too late

“Never mind… it’s too late.”

And just about the time we thought things couldn’t get any worse, they became teenagers!

How do you convince a 16-year-old that a pimple on her nose is not grounds for staying home from church?

 pimple on nose 2

Or persuade a budding adolescent that using deodorant is not just for sissies?

pretten boy

But no matter how chaotic our morning, there came a time of blessed transformation.

As we pulled into the parking lot, the spiritual patriarch (me) would call out in his most authoritative voice,


“All right now, stop fighting… or crying… or hitting… or sulking… or… (whatever).
Put on a happy face & let’s go worship!

As we opened the doors we would hear echoes of greetings all around:

happy family

“Good morning! How are you folks today?”

“Fine! How about you?”

“ Great! It’s a beautiful day isn’t it?”

“You bet!”

Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet, here’s a little hint:
Most of the families arriving at church with smiles plastered on their faces… had a morning just like yours!


And now to the present:


One of the joys of having our granddaughters sleep at our house each Saturday night & then go to church with us the next day, is exposing them to “The Happy Family Goes to Church” tradition. Seldom do any of us make it through our Sunday morning routines without feeling harried, hurried & frazzled.

No matter how early we get up or how smoothly things appear to be going, the final 10 minutes before our departure would qualify us for a spot on ‘America’s Funniest Home Videos.” As a result, we commonly express our sentiments (through gritted teeth, at times), “The Happy Family Goes to Church” as we get in the car.

Recently, as we were attempting to make that final push out the door, I discovered why the oldest had been so quiet for the past few minutes. Anyone care to guess the true identity of Dr. Trinity’s surgical mask?


Point to Ponder:

A few weeks ago, as I was picking up the girls to spend the night with us, I was having a frustrating time buckling Lilly. I had to straddle a muddy ditch in front of their house as I attempted this procedure. After several endeavors I finally accomplished my task, shut her door & promptly stepped into the mud. I grumbled my way around the car & as I opened the door I heard Trinity say with delight, “The Happy Family Goes to Church!” A little child shall lead them!

I chuckled, but quickly sobered as I pondered how much these little girls are learning from me about how to respond to the challenges of life. Are there little eyes & ears observing you, too?



